This site – currently associated with “I’m Just Sayin’ … .” will take on an older notion of mine – which I had dubbed at the time … World Wide Mission. This piece is my first effort toward this transition. I invite you to return from time to time and see the changes. I aim, after all, for it to be consistent with my own Progression while remaining relevant to the ever growing, ever changing, opposition present in the world.
World Wide Mission

It is important to note that even as I am an active, worthy, serving, member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, this site, these notions, are my own and do not reflect or represent officially – my Church.
jerry lombardo
For over a decade, I have lacked the boldness to proclaim – right up front – certain aspects of The Restored Gospel when trying to teach and share with others what we have. In fact, this notion comes not from me, but from Elder Jeffrey R Holland [and others].
In the past, I would testify to the Truth of it all by way of what stands before us today – The Church, The Priesthood, The Light that Shines from those sources. “By what we have, what we can see, touch, and feel – can I tell you sure … it’s all true”.[jl]
That falls short from my view today; my intent was good, my actions correct – and yet, I see my approach lacked a definitive belief or testimony. One which I am only now beginning to organize in preparation to share The Restored Gospel … differently than I did before.
It makes sense to me today to say clearly – up front – if you do not, or will not, accept or believe that God has Angels, Messengers and Prophets – and the Power to manifest them even today – then you will not accept this added Truth – The Book of Mormon – given us in these Latter Days (by God).
This Dispensation, these times, this Church – this Restoration – squarely sits upon the foundation that Joseph Smith, and others – saw, spoke with, and interacted with Angels and even God!
I can not run from that any longer! Either I believe it … or I don’t.
I believed it but could not bring myself to ask others to believe it; …so, I danced around it – testified of what was tangible – and patiently wait(ed) for others to learn for themselves.
I am not suggesting the approach was wrong …but it was not exactly complete. My toolbox lacked an important tool, my manual was short a chapter or two.
Elder Holland was right – is right – for me; so no longer will I back away from the very foundation that all of this is built upon. God lives; and He [still ]has the power to send Angels, and even show Himself, and so can our Savior – and They did… or what we have is all a lie. [Not my words, but those of Elder Holland, and others, – paraphrased]
Yes, its bold and surely there is always room to move toward a center of two different ideas. I’ll venture to say that both have merit; both approaches – both ‘tools’ ought be in our tool box.
A Standard Unto My People
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
of the Quorum of the Twelve
(Symposium on the Book of Mormon, 9 August 1994, BYU)
The Work – A Standard Unto My People reads over twenty pages and I will not post the text directly here; nor do I find the same text on CJCLDS Website. Never the less, here is a link to the a site which has posted the text:,%20Jeffrey%20R/HollandJR_AStandardUntoMyPeople.html