This shows one real problem w the world … I have an appointment for cancer diagnosis – I have only received the name and address by USPS Mail … never looked at the address – never sent the name via email or text, no smart machines like ‘Cora or Sari’ or other talking boxes – etc. etc.
I got up this morning and decided to Google where exactly the place is in a nearby business park address … I put in 3 (three) key strokes [“116”] in Google maps and look what came up instantly – the very first entry [!!]:

Crazy times.
I get all kinds of stuff – as we all do – ‘following me around’ – lately ads for HAM Radios and Equipment [to be expected – it’s been all over my email and searches]… but it’s still very, very, very bad. Worse than ever …
I’m Just Sayin’ … .