I’m Just Sayin’ . .

This seems obvious … at least to me – one rider deliberately bumped another one.

The ‘aggressor’ was a person who is transgender – a man who now claims to be a woman … named Austin Killips – the rider who was bumped [purposefully] is Hannah Arensman.

It took me almost 30 minutes to find an actual video clip of the incident … and I did find one [linked below].

 … look for yourself:  https://twitter.com/i/status/1602134082976096256


I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Fifth Column – follow up .

Fifth Column – follow up …

The Fifth Column I wrote of … is the Government … and more specifically – a group within the Democratic Party whom today controls most of the government.

Mark Levin is right [no pun intended] – he reviews history and current events here-


I remain faithful to our Savior who is more powerful … even than them. You may know Egypt tried this over 2500 years ago … thought they could overcome Jehovah and Israel with their control, riches, power, and numbers … .

We all know what happened there and then.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

“I’m not going to let Andy Murray kill me” Serena Williams – Men in Women’s Sports

“I’m not going to let Andy Murray kill me” – Serena Williams

That clip, that quote, which got my attention – is from before the world went nuts and started letting boys play girls sports.

I just watched a small group of courageous women trying to speak with kindness and respect – while stating their beliefs – at a Public Library. What I watched has me ill in my stomach. I’ll include links to the library incident, and Serena on Letterman below.

Radicals have taken over our schools, governments, and too many of our most basic institutions like Public Libraries. If I were a younger and more able man – I’d be out on the front lines. This is nuts. People are trying to tear our country apart – from the inside.

Our country has been systematically overcome by what seems to be fairly described as a ‘fifth column’ and we are being torn apart from people within our own society … who came and hide in plain sight. There is a coordinated effort to destroy America; and those who lead it are, indeed, the enemies of America.

I cannot believe that we risk our own liberty simply by thinking, writing and saying common sense beliefs – facts – absolute truths –  out loud.

Our fathers and forefathers gave life and limb – literally – that we might have the liberty and quality of life – the freedom from tyrannies – we have enjoyed for these few hundred years in America.

In fact, the very freedoms we treasure(d) are what allowed our adversaries to attack us and almost destroy this remarkable country. Our respect for our own values allowed those who wish to destroy us – right into our living rooms, lives, and yes … our Libraries. I pray we are waking up in time to stop it.

Regarding this insane agenda to have men play women’s’ sports – here is the right and common sense truth – a genuine answer – stated very clearly, honestly, knowingly [she’s a professional … one of the best … she lived it – and, I believe, she can speak on it knowingly].

Regarding Serena Williams playing Andy Murray in a tennis match, Serena explained it was never going to happen. “Actually it’s funny, because Andy Murray, he’s been joking about myself and him playing a match. I’m like, ‘Andy, seriously, are you kidding me?’ For me, men’s tennis and women’s tennis are completely, almost, two separate sports, “Serena Williams said.

“If I were to play Andy Murray, I would lose 6-0, 6-0 in five to six minutes, maybe 10 minutes. No, it’s true. It’s a completely different sport. The men are a lot faster and they serve harder, they hit harder, it’s just a different game.”

Here’s the link to Serena Williams on Letterman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hzHBsvj6C0

Here’s a link to these courageous athletes trying to rightly stand and share their thoughts and beliefs at a public event … about men in women’s sports – in a public library [the ‘venue’ fairly, rightfully secured for the community event] https://twitter.com/i/status/1693459291410497772 

I hope they do go to court.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

The truth is that COVID19 was just too damned profitable

The truth is that COVID19 was just too damned profitable – on so many levels [politically and financially]. It took on wide appeal for those interested in profit and control more than humanity … and so, many will try to maneuver the world [at least the US] into doing it again!

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Check out this article:

e World Health Organization designated BA.2.86 a “variant under monitoring” on Thursday.

CNN — 

A highly mutated new variant of the virus that causes Covid-19 has countries on alert as scientists scramble to understand how far it has spread and how well our immunity will defend against it.

The new variant, called BA.2.86 and nicknamed Pirola by variant hunters on social media, has more than 30 amino acid changes to its spike protein compared with its next closest ancestor, the BA.2 subvariant of Omicron, according to Dr. Jesse Bloom, who studies viral evolution at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle.

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“This makes it an evolutionary jump comparable in size to that which originally gave rise to Omicron,” Bloom posted on his lab’s website.

The World Health Organization designated BA.2.86 a “variant under monitoring” on Thursday, a designation that encourages countries to track and report the sequences they find.

A variant under monitoring that causes more severe disease or evades existing vaccines or treatments can be upgraded to WHO’s list of variants of interest or variants of concern. XBB.1.5, XBB.1.16 and EG.5 are listed as variants of interest. WHO has not designated any variants of concern.

Only six sequences of BA.2.86 have been reported in four countries, but epidemiologists are worried they could represent many more because worldwide monitoring of variants has dropped off.

The variant was spotted by scientists in Israel on Sunday. Since then, Denmark has reported three sequences. Two more sequences were reported in United States and in the United Kingdom, respectively.

“It is unusual for corona to change so significantly and develop 30 new mutations. The last time we saw such a big change was when Omicron appeared,” said Morten Rasmussen, a senior researcher at the Statens Serum Institut, in a news statement on the variant.

The three cases in Denmark are in people in different parts of the country who do not appear to have had contact with each other, according to the institute.


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SSI scientists stressed that it’s still too early to say anything about the severity or contagiousness of the new variant. They are in the process of growing the virus variant to test it against human antibodies.

Dr. Mandy Cohen, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said Friday that the new variant shouldn’t be cause for alarm.

“I think what we are seeing is our detection mechanisms that we’ve put in place are working, right?” she told CNN. “We are more prepared than ever to detect and respond to changes in the Covid-19 virus.

“We are tracking this new lineage. It has mutations that do make it distinct from other lineages circulating. And then the question becomes, what does that mean?” Cohen said. “Is it going to increase? Are we going to see more cases? Or is it going to fizzle out and not be a variant of concern?”

In a new threat assessment on the variant Friday, the UK’s Health Security Agency said that the fact that these sequences are in four different countries in people without recent travel histories “suggests that there is established international transmission.”

The sequences that have been found are very similar to each other, which may indicate that they emerged recently and are spreading quickly, the report says, though the UKHSA notes that it has low confidence in this assessment until more sequences become available.