‘Free Books’ exceptionally well funded, well organized effort across the country. Trojan Horse?

Dolly Parton is sending free books to children across 21 states — and around the world

Trojan Horse?

Dolly Parton free books.jpghttps://apnews.com/article/dolly-parton-children-books-states-program-5aa502c1905babd9604e9b3588942995

This is an exceptionally well funded, well organized effort across the country – in some states – in most every school district. I learned of it over a year ago and tried to obtain the contents of the books, titles, authors, subjects, etc. … but was unable to get any of that information.

They were signing ‘kids’ up though … in great numbers – well funded efforts – connected right to the local school districts –  … to place children on this list – for free – to receive these free books – a regular flow of them – from grades K to 12… . These books keep coming …free … till your 18…  they just keep coming.

MANY parents sign up – free books – my kid(s) will love it – addressed right to them each month …


Are these books very effective Trojan Horses into the minds of our children?

Frankly, I don’t know yet.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

If you know what’s in these books, please send me a note. jl