God How Can You Let This Happen?
By Jerry Lombardo
AS I hear you ask:
How can You let this happen?
I say to each of you – How can you let this happen?
I am in you, and you are Of Me.
It is through YOU that My Works are done on Earth.
OR not.
Why do you direct your pleas outward when I am within?
I surely hear the cries of: men who demand:
“Who will help?” …and I tell you how they pale in the light of the men who cry:
“Who ELSE can help!?”
Within them, The Holy Spirit soars and I delight in their courage.
My Miracles on Earth are bourn of your hearts and souls –
as this is the Nature of Man, The Heavens, and The Earth.
This Earth is My gift to all my children to share and enjoy…through mortal birth – unto mortal death, and beyond.
All According to My Plan and the Potential for Goodness I have freely given to each of you as bid you to be my hands and do My Work.
This Goodness is of Me, your Heavenly Father, and my Goodness is surely in each of you – yet you deny it – and Me.
Saddest of all, is how naturally My Goodness seems to come and go – so often to whither at your hands.
Be thankful thy Father has left Judgment in Heaven and keeps it from Earth.
For as so many of you who pray for, and demand, Justice on Earth:
I bid you to fear it and not selfishly demand it – least thy Father finally grants your whim.
Jerry Lombardo
February 14, 2025