Disinformation, my foot!

Disinformation, my foot!“.

We have, in the larger framework of The American People, one large portion with some particular opinions and another large portion with some varying particular opinions.

Both are passionate in their opinions and views.

One group point, yells, declares the other side – an EnemyDangerous ... Threat to Democracy!

What does that mean?

It means that ‘your’ opinion, i.e. the kind of Democracy YOU desire in this Country – is not the same vision or desire as the other group desires. The threat, each side to the other – is they don’t get to steer the country in a way that suits their vision of Democracy in this United States of America.

Add the Media which is zealously fueling it all with the same bias on both sides, and the country is in such a divide that if one’s opinion contrasts with the others’ opinion – name calling and opposition quickly rises to the level of one group is calling the other group ‘liars’ and professors of ‘Disinformation’!

Each group leveling headline accusations that people of ‘those’ opinions – are dangerous and unstable and they are spreading Dangerous Disinformation.

Hmm, I just had a smile … remember the ‘Disinformation Czar’? Early in this Presidents term … I remember. It was worthy of an old fashioned SNL salute! It was almost comedic … but it was a real thing!

What the hell is ‘disinformation’?

These … are opinions, not lies, not disinformation. Opinions. Even ‘Beliefs’. The debate is really about our opinion and belief of the future path of this great country.

Opinions, by the way, we are each entitled to hold and express; a freedom we are guaranteed in the Constitution of The United States of America.

We are granted inalienable rights which I promise you –  include the right to form and state our own beliefs and opinions.  Privately and Publically.

Without fear of retribution, I might add, even by any silly, local man-made laws who will bankrupt you if you disagree with the opinions of the powers that be – even make your opinions illegal. It is illegal to make opinions and beliefs illegal -… illegal by virtue of the highest law in the land.

This is a free country. It belongs to ALL the people – and not one political persuasion or another. The Constitution is the Law of The Land and it supersedes all other law.

And, an opinion is just that – an opinion – a point of view – and, even if half the country has the same opinion it’s still just an opinion – no matter which opinion you have – and we are entitled, each man and each woman, by the US Constitution – to believe and speak freely on any matter.

To have an opposing view, and work to persuade others, to win the minds and hearts of others … is not criminal, nor unconstitutional. {It’s downright American!} You can’t shut people up because you disagree with them.

We’re talking about the free right to think and speak openly and publically here – not ‘yelling fire in a crowded theater’ – the two are not related.

Disinformation, my foot!

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

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