I finally agree, it is time for banning assault weapons; however, these mass shootings have little to do with gun control or any lack thereof. Any maniac who desires to hurt people – will find a way.
Too many kids born into these generations have been raised in atmospheres that are off kilter. They have been exposed to, raised in, unrelenting elements of a society – that we did not understand would yield this result. [Although clearly, some did]. In short, to coin a phrase – too many were raised ‘pulling the trigger’ [in ‘fantasy games’].
At the fact that so many feel isolated (physically and/or emotionally), too many are bullied; and, one result is that too many are pushed into responding in a way, that somehow, we as a larger society – caused and allowed [inadvertently].
I am not wise, or studied, enough to precisely put my finger on any one cause – but the causes are there, they are real, they are understandable, and they must be addressed.
Without doubt, the revolution in technology has a part in the root cause of the violent behavior of too many young men. Those violent games kids played incessantly – those ‘games’ – those fantasy killing, shooting, environments – are being mimicked in real life.
Violence in games and movies – amplified and perpetuated in make believe worlds by greedy and unscrupulous people [and/or ignorant] – is coming home to roost!
Add, factors like door latch kids, kids raised by television … kids growing up absent parenting, religion, self worth, who ‘play’ 1000’s of hours of these ‘games’ – in efforts to escape their own unhappy reality – and we have chaos – we have mass shootings week after week, month after month. We have too many children (who, of course, grow into adults) suffering from absent parent(s) [physically or emotionally] – poor schooling, bullying, growing divisions between classes and races, the collapse of the ‘family’, crazy divisive groups throughout society, never ending wars … ALL of it – AND MORE.
Yes, the games, films, shows, comics, toys … were ‘make believe’ but I tell you for sure – their result is not!
My notion is not popular … yet, even so … violence in games and movies, lack of parenting, lack of religious teachings, isolation through these electronic platforms and devices, on and on, etc. etc. paved the path to the tragedy’s of today.
I’m Just Sayin’ … .
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