These United States of America urgently needs to address all notions – public and private – in regard to every citizens right to [expected] privacy. The Terms need be listed, defined, debated, redefined and instituted across the land.
This is about more than the Office of the President of The United States … it is about YOU … and me.
It is morally, civilly, ethically, wrong to invade and betray any citizens privacy – including gathering, sharing, storing, all data associated with our daily lives.
Respectfully, I submit, we are beyond the notion of interpreting and applying our Constitution on these matters in this 21st Century. We need NEW constitutional law – and I don’t care how it effects the pocket books of Google, Microsoft, Business that use those advertisement streams of cash … their effected bottom lines … are moot.
Freedom Includes Varying Rights To Privacy – regardless of the state of the country and its time that such a fact, right, and notion is front and center in a Constitutional Amendment regarding The Right to/of Privacy.
I am not a constitutional scholar, a lawyer, or a Legal Rights Specialist – and yet, I know in my heart that we are being denied it (a God Given Right to some privacies); and if the constitution does not clearly state that fact … then it needs be amended.
I’m Just Sayin’ … .