FBI warns of new cyber threat to US that involves ‘whole variety’ of actors from China

In my view, the Chinese are a threat which is equivalent to ISIS – they just are employing different methods


New cyber and digital national security threats are coming not just from terrorists, but an “uptick” in counterintelligence campaigns from China, the FBI said this week.

I believe Mr. Wray is not the best man as FBI Director; even on this point, I believe he is understating the truth:

It is not [yet] a ‘shooting war’ … however, even so:

We Are At War With China!

In my view, the Chinese are a threat which is equivalent to ISIS – they just are employing different methods. They began ‘moving’ to overtake the USA decades ago [one of our Presidents decided to sell out to China!] and they have done a thorough job.

President Trump is 100% correct – WE – the people of the USA – literally paid for the rebuilding of China … and, now, there is going to be hell to pay.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Here is the story that led to my comments: https://fxn.ws/32qo4R1


Krispy Kreme Donuts & Enterprising Young Man

Re: Krispy Kreme Donuts & Enterprising Young Man

I made the time to write to corporate about this: //www.foxnews.com/food-drink/krispy-kreme-minnesota-student… and this is the (very cool) reply I am happy to share:

Dear Mr. Lombardo,

Thank you for your email. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you.


Yesterday, we reached out to Jayson to express our appreciation for his love of Krispy Kreme and admiration for his entrepreneurial spirit.  We are going to help him achieve his goals, which include being debt-free when he graduates in 2021, in part by selling Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. Our intent regarding the temporary stoppage of him selling doughnuts was to ensure product quality and regulatory compliance to protect both Jayson and Krispy Kreme. Our main concern is that the doughnuts Jayson sells maintain our high product quality standards, given the distance and manner in which he is transporting and distributing them. So, we are happy to work with Jayson as an independent operator to ensure consistent delivery of our high-quality doughnuts to our fans in Minnesota. We wish Jayson great success and we’re thrilled to help him achieve it by donating 500 dozen doughnuts when he re-starts his business.


Best regards,

Krispy Kreme Customer Experience





Close to a thousand anti-police protesters descended on Downtown Brooklyn Friday night

Good job Mayor de Blasio [but no large soda for you] … and Kudos Governor Cuomo [Tax the Rich …and then, God forbid they leave….].

Close to a thousand anti-police protesters descended on Downtown Brooklyn Friday night, blocking traffic, vandalizing a city bus and shouting obscene insults at NYPD cops.

I believe this to be a very ‘telling’ story. I will suggest its not so much about law breakers [which needs to be addressed anyway] as it is about ‘blight’ from NYS (and good old American dollars).

New York City … NEEDS the paltry few dollars being lost by poor folks jumping turn-styles in the New York MTA; so, de Blasio wrings his hands and sends NYPD in to stop the turn-style criminals.

THAT is sad; very sad. I do not support breaking the law(s) and avoiding fares … [however, I am aware that, ironically, by de Blasio’s and Cuomos’ political bend – trains and buses ought be free anyway].

Separately, I can’t help an inward, ‘I told you so’ smile as the mismanagement and the years of liberal policies are also why Marijuana will be legal in NYS next year …[the ‘key’ for me – is WHY?]

It is because NYS [especially NYC] can not do without the extra dollars – NY, is THE Most Taxed state in America – and, it is broke – can’t continue make payrolls, deliver services, operate government – unless it sells pot (and collects tax on it). I am not opposed to legalization, but the facts outlined – still remain.

Democratic ideals [and leadership] has NYS on the brink of failure [by our Governors own mouth].

Interestingly enough, the reason pot was not legalized this year was because NYC and NYS [among others] were fighting so bad over who gets the money … it was pushed off till next year.

Good job Mayor de Blasio [but no large soda for you] … and Kudos Governor Cuomo ["Tax the Rich …and then, God forbid they leave"….].

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Here is the news story that led to my remarks: https://fxn.ws/2pxVCPD


We Must Plan for Climate Change and Water Levels Rising because it is happening – but ‘Man’ is Not to blame

We tend to believe our cities, our buildings, our communities – even in these questionable areas and times – are indestructible; in truth, they are neither permanent nor indestructible.

Climate Change

My compositions posted here are likely meaningless if the hope is to have the powers that be – to hear my most reasonable [and true] notion and declaration; instead, maybe one day history will judge myself, and other thoughtful folks, to have been on the right side of thinking [in regard to understanding, looking forward, and planning when considering Climate Change.

Climate Change is real.

[However] Climate Change is not driven by man [although our actions do contribute to polluting our air, water, and soil]. We ought be more concerned with our polluting EVERYTHING with our plastics and petro chemicals. Further, let’s stop raping the earth and find better ways of sustaining the lifestyles so many seem to embrace. THAT is another story though.

This is about our need to PLAN for Climate Change, and Water Levels Rising …  because there is no stopping it; and, it will effect major civilian populations around the world.

It seems many areas of land were developed in ways that were/are [mistakenly] considered ‘permanent’; … however, along shorelines, coastlines, in basins, and low lying areas … these areas, and many others [in my opinion] ought never have been considered permanent.

We tend to believe our cities, our buildings, our communities – even in these questionable areas and times – are indestructible; in truth, they are neither permanent nor indestructible.

Oceans and climate change … in any decade or century or millennia – can (and soon) will claim many areas around the world and logic, even wisdom, suggests – these are the decades, the century – we will see such change in these areas – [making them much more difficult, if not impossible, to remain habitable].

The earth lives, it changes, and it too, has cycles. Cycles of heating and cooling is one of them – be it that the cycles and events develop slowly as the world ‘turns’ [as the natural result of time] or by catastrophic events – like a heavenly body impacting the earth… the earth, it’s climate, its weather patterns, its geological processes … ‘change’ – in the most natural of ways.

In the past, mostly we adapted; today, we have the organization to PLAN for the changes because they are happening and there is no sense in denying the facts.

(And separately), but ‘Man’ is not to (primarily) driving it.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

“Campus Response Teams’

Mr. Fitzgerald, [UM Public Affairs & Internal Communications]

As I read a news post which includes some of your thoughts as they relate to Campus Response Teams … at University of Michigan.

[Your statement]:  “the settlement makes it ‘abundantly clear’ the lawsuit was unnecessary. …Vigorous debate on all sides of an issue has been a hallmark of this campus before and during the lawsuit. We have confidence that true diversity of thought will continue to flourish on our campus.”

I adamantly disagree.  The inception, and even the existence of such ‘teams’ (and the policies which supported the formation of, and then instituted, such teamsnecessitated the suit. Without doubt.

Further, I am shocked that there are (thinking) people in academia who would support such notions!

University, for me, was an unparalleled opportunity for learning and exploring New Ideas, CHOICES; University allowed me the FREEDOM to believe/ speak/ debate openly and freely [Right-Left – Middle] which, I believe, is paramount to any secondary education process.

Mr. Macintosh was on point: “the campuses which still have Bias Response Teams “inhibit our freedom of speech.” [and worse! They work to change peoples’ behavior through distasteful, intrusive policies and intimidation. “[comment]” Added my this writer, JL]

Attempts to ‘shut down’ reasonable speech [because one person, or a board, or a chairperson does not agree] is not American. The policies UM supported border on Totalitarianism and do not support any notion of ‘University’ that I (and countless Americans) embrace.

I’d give so much if you, and others, would simply take an honest look; Universities were not intended to produce cookie cutter graduates who all think alike – and, such an attempt is an enormous disservice to your students, the country, and the world.

You, Mr. Fitzgerald, are on the wrong side of this debate; your vision of ‘changing the world’ [in my opinion] needs reevaluating.

Yes, hate, bios through ignorance, bullying … are all bad … but your [Universities] (final?) solution … is worse than the problem.

It can NOT  be ‘our way … or the highway’ (not when it comes to University and THESE ideals.  For such notions one sided notions* – those in charge at UM are in the wrong profession.

*Such notions are fine and good for any individual, or even groups of individuals – but not for University.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

If you have not seen the piece – here is a link: https://www.foxnews.com/media/university-michigan-campus-bias-team-free-speech