An Enigma
I came across a most beautiful sentence – one that seems (so far) to ‘ring true’ – from a man who is full of hate. It stopped the entire flow of my thoughts and work this morning.
I am puzzled
I am surprised
I am thoughtful
I am reflective
I am confused (momentarily)
I have no idea, no clue, if it is an original thought or statement of the person it is attributed to [in what I read] … and it is, indeed, intriguing upon the back drop of all I have shared already.
Here is the sentence:
“The Earth is Burdened by The Wicked Living on a Planet that was made for the Righteous”
Wow, does that sentence – that notion – ring true for me!
Why was is so surprising?
The quote is attributed to Louis Farrakhan.
I am not a ‘fan’ or supporter or reader of this man; I came upon the quote as I worked to understand a headline about a NFL player posting some old World War Propaganda.
Even Satan quotes scripture. This is not ‘scripture’ per se …but it sure is to me – a truthful statement.
I’m Just Sayin’ … .