4 Replies to “Thanks For Stopping by …”

    1. Hello,

      If you’re real – thanks for taking the time to read some of my thoughts and compositions. I say ‘if’ because you wouldn’t believe the SPAM, etc. that comes with a published blog.

      To answer your question – I use standard WordPress with a few tweaks that are very easy to learn based on one’s own needs.

      I like to write a story in MS Word and just send it to an email – and voila – it’s published -just as I wrote it. Instantly. Simple.

      It takes a minute to learn WP but its really, really, really user friendly. Learn it and you can do most anything … simply.

      It can also be done cheaply. A domain, a basic hosting plan – less than $5 a month. Lots of deals all the time – I support a small company that began in Lithuania called Hostinger [never godaddy!].

      I like to write; it’s fun – and, at the end of the day – I feel that I, at least, expressed what I feel in my heart – and I sleep better.

      I’m Just Sayin’ … .

      Thanks for writing,
      PS Oh, if it helps, the email to publish app is free – available through the WP blog app [also free]. It’s called “Postie” [easy to find after you install WP].

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