The imperative nature of this 2020 Election

The imperative nature of this 2020 Election

John Roberts shatters Supreme Court expectations

This image, and the link is from CNN – the link goes to one of their stories about the legal battle over abortion.

Me? My personal opinion?


God help so many of us, I pray … and, I pray too for the so many lost lives – because, yes, abortion is the taking of human life. Some people know it – and that’s murder – I believe, they will answer to God; some do not know – and I pray they wake up.

I’m Just Sayin’ …

Man sues police for excessive force in a case of mistaken identity

Perfect example of why we must have a different kind of policing…..

This is unconscionable – and, no money will make what they did to him …’right’.

We have a personality type that is drawn to Policing type careers … and, our society has encouraged this culture … of ‘control’, arrest – with prejudice … and ask questions later…. Lock down any block, any neighborhood, any city … at the drop of a hat and have an ARMY move in – on a moments notice.

It’s too much.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Check out this video on Uticaod:

This simple standard puts Justice back in the courts, and, ultimately back into the hands of the People

Crime and Punishment in 2020 & Beyond

Clearly we have a wide range and depth of issues in our cities, and with people living in the impoverished areas within them – which our larger society – with the individual neighborhoods and communities together – must address. I invite you to seek out my coming composition Survived but Never Reconciled.

I have no need to ‘guess’ why Rayshard Brooks fought so hard that fateful night – because I know; and so, I have an insight to offer, and perhaps a partial solution to add to this imperative discussion.

It’s not THE solution but if we begin to shift our point of view – just a little – maybe we can take a fair swing at real change for many people.

[I suggest]We need to clearly establish the varying degrees when it comes to legal, illegal, and criminal; and, adjust how we enforce and respond to violations. I suggest, we need to better establish as a larger society – which events that should immediately take away a man’s’ or women’s liberty … and those which ought not.

Further, how we enforce a law matters. Do we enforce with lethality a violation which had no violent component – do we take a person’s liberty – on the spot – for a non violent violation? And, if he objects – do we shoot him?

Even further, allow me to digress and say clearly that towns, villages, small cities across America Do Not Need to be able to deploy SWAT teams to anywhere in the town or county – at the drop of a hat!

These municipalities do NOT need to be able to cordon off blocks, neighborhoods – with the forces and actions, which are so common in America today.

This man, Rayshard Brooks, and so many others like him, fought [and fight] simply because he wanted to go HOME that fateful night.  He did nothing that should have led to the loss of his life – to be candid – he did nothing that made it imperative to take his freedom on the spot.

This was (could have been handled as a mostly CIVIL matter) [if law and enforcement had a different mindset]  – but the mindset of the day is CONTROL, ARREST.

Immediately take away the most precious thing a man or woman has … their Liberty.

The kind of violation has become irrelevant … this guy wasn’t violent – he just wanted to go home

The Police, on the spot, were going to take his liberty because he fell asleep waiting in line. I get it – shame on him – and, he was surely driving and drinking. Impound the car – give him a ticket – and send him home. It gets handled civilly … by courts and communities; not the police.

Some of this is really that simple; and that complex. If we had some National Standard where … IF a subject of police contact has not committed violence in any way – that person can expect to go home that day [after processing and arraignment].

And, that is just one point of departure for a new and needed discussion. I pray our President has the courage to get into all this – we need someone to [please read the coming composition Survived but Never Reconciled.].

Mr. Brooks would be alive if that was the law of the land. It matters not if he had drugs in his pocket, unpaid parking tickets, was intoxicated, had no drivers’ license, or just smelled bad and had a lousy attitude.

The Subject Goes Home That Day; [unless violence is a part of the reason for arrest].

This simple standard puts Justice back in the courts, and, ultimately back into the hands of the People; and takes a great deal of stress off ‘routine’ police interactions and encounters.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .


Crime and Punishment in 2020

Crime and Punishment in 2020 & Beyond

Clearly we have a wide range and depth of issues in our cities, and with people living in the impoverished areas within them – which our larger society with the individual neighborhoods and communities together – must address.

I have no need to ‘guess’ why Rayshard Brooks fought so hard that fateful night – because I know; and so, I have an insight and offer a partial solution to add to the discussion.

It’s not THE solution but if we begin to shift our point of view – just a little – maybe we can take a fair swing at real change for many people.

This man, and so many others, fought [and fight] because he wanted to go HOME that fateful night.

It’s that simple; and that complex. If we had some National Standard where … IF a subject of police contact has not committed violence in any way – that person can expect to go home that day [after processing and arraignment].

That man would be alive if that was the law of the land. It matters not if he had drugs in his pocket, unpaid parking tickets, was intoxicated, has no drivers’ license, or just smelled bad and had a lousy attitude.

The Subject Goes Home That Day; [unless violence is a part of the reason for arrest].

This simple standard puts Justice back in the courts, and, ultimately back into the hands of the People and takes a great deal of stress of ‘routine’ police interactions and encounters.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .


[Chirp, Chirp Chirp]

Waking before the sun in the mornings these days?

Is the world upside down pressing on you?

Are you seeking something, anything, in the world that might lift and brighten your day?

Then, the next time you wake up before 5AM – I invite you to get up, open your window a little (turn off the fan or ac too) and return to bed; then lay quietly in the dark, in the silence, and offer a prayer.

Very quietly in prayer, reflect upon the many blessings you’ve enjoyed through your life …

All the while, keep listening:

A beautiful, great, quiet – yet powerful, subtle – yet unmistakable, sound will come

As you pray, suddenly, something very sweet will break the silence.

What was that? There it is again ... still faint, yet much more distinct the second time … and now by the third time … the sound is unmistakable – there it is again! J

Chirp. J Chirp Chirp …

Open your eyes, smile, thank your Heavenly Father, finish your prayer and say ‘good morning’ to those first early birds that invite the sunrise – every day even through the madness of 2020….

 Keep smiling … and begin your day – the day God has blessed you to have – with a newly recognized gratitude in your heart. Be daily mindful that God so loves you that He created it all – all of it – that you may have this life! Even this day; even the first songs of the mornings.

Those first "Chirps"? Those are just one reminder in this upside down world; I hope you hear them all …

  [Chirp, Chirp Chirp!]

God, Loves You!


I’m Just Sayin’ … .




I’m not an economist [ although I did take economics 101], and I am no reader of the future … but even the kid who never came to class would guess that we are in for a bout of inflation unlike we’ve ever seen.

I remember stickers on soup cans … .21¢ .23¢, .25¢, .30¢, .35¢, .40¢, .50¢ …. one little square sticker on top of another, week after week! It was mind boggling for a couple starting out in life after college. Books report inflation was about 12% but it felt more like 50%!

Last week, Wendy’s tried to charge me $15 for a hamburger and fries [I told them I changed my mind]. This is going to be worse than the 1980’s

AS I said, I am no expert – but if you have anything to ‘invest’ – I recommend you research what does best through inflationary years and buy it; … a lot of it.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .