I forgot!
I wrote ‘now it’s not just Hollywood but Hollywood and Media – selling Homosexuality and Transgenderism [scroll a couple stories down].
I forgot to include CORPORATIONS! They are in it too!
I’m Just Sayin’… .
Pizza Hut is promoting a book about “drag kids” as part of its summer reading program for children in pre-Kindergarten through third grade. These types of themes are being driven hard by a number of entities – including governments, school systems, supermarkets, ice cream brands – it’s an agenda driven cabal – I don’t like that word but it is what it is. A very powerful group of people – evil people – are trying to remake the world to their own liking. Personally, I find refuge in my Church. The best we can do for our children is help them develop a spiritual foundation and a testimony that God lives; help them feel His Holy Spirit in their hearts and follow the guidance. Admit and recognize with them that there is good and evil – and help them know the difference. Teach each of them that they are special and precious – each a child of God. Teach them to set themselves apart from the chaos and traps of the world.
That is my very personal two cents; my own testimony.
Here is just one example of these agenda driven, widespread, efforts in this story from Fox. [by the way – FOX, CNN – all of them are ‘agenda driven’ and biased – I just use the story lines as points of departure].