Thank God for the ADF – Center for Academic Freedom

Good people have a right to say ‘No’. ‘No, I won’t’.

Thank God for the ADF – Center for Academic Freedom.

This is a piece from CNN and, I do pray – if this man was fired because he is pushing back on an absorbedly oppressive culture and taking a rightful stand … I applaud and support him.

I urge you to scroll down to my other stories and compositions regarding ‘transgenderism’ in this country. It is an upside notion that a group of people – an extreme minority – with perverted beliefs – has been pushing upon the entire country [and, frankly, the world].

Good laws enacted with good intentions … to help true, disenfranchised, minority groups [well meaning laws against ‘discrimination’] – were hijacked by this group; and, in a matter of decades – they changed the landscape – they perverted ‘normal’ … even of a Christian Nation.

Please, understand: To me [and the majority of people in America] – for a doctor, parent, any adult – to change a little boy into a little girl … with drugs, brainwashing, and surgery … is Child Abuse and punishable by law. Were I an attorney – I’d prove it in a court of law.

I can not automatically support this man in this particular cause – I don’t know the man – or the boy – or what happened…I present the piece only as an example and I support what is right and good; and, …

good people have a right to say ‘no’. "No, I won’t".

                I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Again, Thank You, to The Center for Academic Freedom.

Here is the story:

[Also, understand please, this story is highly pejorative in opposition to beliefs I espoused].

(CNN)A Virginia high school teacher is claiming he was fired for not using a student’s preferred gender pronouns. But that’s not entirely correct.

Allison Hope

Allison Hope

Rather, West Point High School French teacher Peter Vlaming was technically fired for insubordination, after he did not comply with his supervisor’s multiple requests to call his student by the appropriate gender pronouns.

And now he’s suing, with the help of the ADF Center for Academic Freedom. The ADF is a right-wing group with extreme views on gay and trans issues, which the Southern Poverty Law Center has characterized as "one of the most influential groups informing the [Trump] administration’s attack on LGBT rights."

The teacher wasn’t fired simply because of a pronoun, but rather because he was behaving in violation of school policy, judicial precedent and the state’s Department of Education code of ethics.

As a public school teacher, Vlaming was, of course, a government employee.

You may believe that same-sex couples shouldn’t be allowed to get married, but if you’re a government employee processing that couple’s taxes, you must still acknowledge that they are married. You may not believe that a woman should have a child out of wedlock, but as a government employee, you must still cut her social services disbursement check if she qualifies for it.

'Pose' has a potent message: don't wait, just live


‘Pose’ has a potent message: don’t wait, just live

The lawsuit ADF filed on behalf of Vlaming says that adhering to his supervisor’s orders to refer to the student using their preferred gender pronouns "violates his conscience."

As a country that separates church and state, we cannot simply allow public employees, whose salaries are paid by our taxes, to impose their personal religious beliefs within public institutions meant to serve everyone. That separation has been reinforced consistently in our courts, including in some high-profile cases like that of Kim Davis, the county clerk in Kentucky who refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples after the Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that marriage equality was the law of the land.

What’s more, there’s a judicial precedent that has leaned on Title IX, the federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in schools, to protect transgender students. The Trump administration, though, has issued guidance to undo the Obama administration’s guidance affirming that Title IX also protects students from discrimination based on their gender identity. A consolidation of several cases of people who say they were fired because they are LGBTQ will be heard before the Supreme Court this week. The claim under examination — one that has held up in lower courts — is specific to whether Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 recognizes LGBTQ people under "sex" as a protected class.

Virginia does not have statewide legal protections for its LGBTQ residents; a bill that would prohibit discrimination in housing and government employment never even came to a vote because it never got a full committee hearing in the state legislature this past session, despite bipartisan support.

Finally, a doll that looks like all of us


Finally, a doll that looks like all of us

That’s too bad because such a law might have reminded Vlaming that misgendering a transgender child is wrong. It goes against the very ethos of what being a teacher means: to provide a nurturing space where students can learn, regardless of who they are. By refusing to acknowledge this student’s identity, Vlaming created a hostile learning environment.

And by suing, he is threatening to create many more toxic classrooms.

By supporting Vlaming’s suit, the ADF Center for Academic Freedom is taking what could be an important moment of introspection for this teacher, and using it instead to advance the group’s well-established agenda of working to strip LGBTQ people of our rights.

Vlaming’s lawyers claim that the teacher’s "conscience" was under threat from the requirement that he not misgender his students, and that the school was infringing on Vlaming’s freedom of speech and religion. But it doesn’t take more than a tiny bit of prodding to see through that flimsy argument.

It’s true that the student in question previously identified as female. But what definitive proof did Vlaming have to deny the student’s male identity? What determines someone’s sex or gender? Their external genitals? Surely he didn’t see those, or he’d have a whole host of other wrongdoing to answer to.

Even then, how can one presume to know a student’s identity based on genitals or past identification, when there are myriad other factors that contribute to one’s sex and gender — internal sex organs, hormones, chromosomes, brainwaves, internal sense of self?

DeVos to visit school that refuses to accommodate trans students


DeVos to visit school that refuses to accommodate trans students

If we took a moment to really think, we’d realize that just as we accept others’ right to be called by the name they prefer, it does us no harm to also refer to them in their preferred gender.

Virginia isn’t a stranger to these situations. The state has spent four years hearing one of the most visible transgender cases in history, in a legal battle over whether then-high school student Gavin Grimm had the right to use the school bathroom that comported with his gender identity.

In 2017, the case made it all the way to the Supreme Court, which sent the case back to a lower court. Just this August, a federal judge in Virginia handed down a decision in favor of Grimm — and in favor of all transgender and gender non-conforming students everywhere.

"These acknowledgments are made in the hopes of making a positive difference to Mr. Grimm and to the everyday lives of our children who rely upon us to protect them compassionately and in ways that more perfectly respect the dignity of every person," Judge Arenda Wright Allen said in handing down her decision. Judge Allen’s language demonstrates the empathy that we desperately need more of.

Transgender kids face enormous hurdles in a society that often doesn’t understand or accept them. They are more likely to be rejected at home, bullied by peers at school and online, denied necessary medical care and disadvantaged in nearly every other facet of life. Our teachers shouldn’t be another line item on the list of reasons our transgender kids are less likely to get ahead in life. Rather, teachers should offer students refuge and understanding.


Christian Doctor Fired after 30 years – Beliefs “Incompatable with Human Dignity” Judge Decree’s

A seasoned British doctor lost his government job as a medical assessor after more than three decades because he refused to renounce his Christian belief that gender is determined at birth. As a result, he wouldn’t use a transgender associated pronoun …

 his supervisor pressured him to refer to a "man six foot tall with a beard" as "she" and "Mrs.," but the doctor refused…and was fired.’

The ‘Judge’ ruled and stated that the doctors’ beliefs were “incompatible with human dignity’ [!!]

It is bad enough this happened in Britain – – – I urge you – I implore you – stand up and do not allow this in these United States of America!

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Here is a link to the story on Fox News

Constitutional Amendment and The Right to/of Privacy.

I am not a constitutional scholar, a lawyer, or a Legal Rights Specialist – and yet, I know in my heart that we are being denied it (a God Given Right to some privacies); and if the constitution does not clearly state that fact … then it needs be amended. I’m Just Sayin’ … .

These United States of America urgently needs to address all notions – public and private – in regard to every citizens right to [expected] privacy. The Terms need be listed, defined, debated, redefined and instituted across the land.

This is about more than the Office of the President of The United States … it is about YOU … and me.

It is morally, civilly, ethically, wrong to invade and betray any citizens privacy – including gathering, sharing, storing, all data associated with our daily lives.

Respectfully, I submit, we are beyond the notion of interpreting and applying our Constitution on these matters in this 21st Century. We need NEW constitutional law – and I don’t care how it effects the pocket books of Google, Microsoft, Business that use those advertisement streams of cash … their effected bottom lines … are moot.

Freedom Includes Varying Rights To Privacy – regardless of the state of the country and its time that such a fact, right, and notion is front and center in a Constitutional Amendment regarding The Right to/of Privacy.

I am not a constitutional scholar, a lawyer, or a Legal Rights Specialist – and yet, I know in my heart that we are being denied it (a God Given Right to some privacies); and if the constitution does not clearly state that fact … then it needs be amended.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

 It Means”OK”   … It Means PEACE Re: ADL’s List of Hate Signals

Re: It means "OK" B and ‘V’ A it means PEACE!

Sent to "ADL" ‘Fighting Hate For Good’ in response to their new List of Hate Signals

"You have rights [thanks to many good men and women before us] and I’ll not point and say "you can’t have ‘a list’ [of ‘bad’ hand signs]".

There are many[lists], and it’s good information; however, when one set of peoples’ ‘rights’ clash with another peoples’ rights – how is such a difference of opinion settled?

I don’t know – probably each case is unique – that said, we have a difference of opinion.

I have been saying, and using, [the] ‘ok’ sign since I was 4 and it never meant anything [and still does not] but ‘okay’.

It’s part of the language [our American language]. Don’t make me a goon because  use it or say it.

Same for ‘Peace’. When I ‘throw’ a ‘V’ Aw my hand and fingersIT MEANS PEACE.

You, nor any list, … can change that… at least not yet. Thanks for allowing my opinion and comment."

I’m Just Sayin’ … .


This Writer Is Also An Accomplished Photographer

IMG_0560.jpgThis Writer Is Also An Accomplished Photographer and Soon, I Will Incorporate My Photos Into This Site

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

So, these tiny flowers are absolutely remarkable [and common in Central New York]. I guess they are a type of ‘weed’. So, in some photos it is not clear that this precious flower  – the actual little purple flowers are so small I could fit about 15 in the circumference of a US Dime. Each flower is smaller than a small pea! Even 1/5 the size.

Now, our grass is mowed [like all around the country] regularly; here the blade cuts to about 3 inches or so. So, here is the remarkable part … these guys ‘learned’ [adapted] and developed to full maturity … at a height of just UNDER the repeating cutting blade of the mower!!




Now, our grass is mowed [like all around the country] regularly; here the blade cuts to about 3 inches or so. So, here is the remarkable part … these guys ‘learned’ [adapted] and developed to full maturity … at a height of just UNDER the repeating cutting blade of the mower!!!!

A few photo’s seem out of focus, but my aim in adding those is to offer some perspective – bringing single blades of grass – into sharp focus to show the tiny environment they thrive in.

IMG_0475.jpg So, these tiny flowers are absolutely remarkable [and common in Central New York]. I guess they are a type of ‘weed’. So, in some photos it is not clear that this precious flower  – the actual little purple flowers are so small I could fit about 15 in the circumference of a US Dime. Each flower is smaller than a small pea! Even 1/5 the size.

Now, our grass is mowed [like all around the country] regularly; here the blade cuts to about 3 inches or so. So, here is the remarkable part … these guys ‘learned’ [adapted] and developed to full maturity … at a height of just UNDER the repeating cutting blade of the mower!!!!


IMG_0577c.jpgSo, these tiny flowers are absolutely remarkable [and common in Central New York]. I guess they are a type of ‘weed’. So, in some photos it is not clear that this precious flower  – the actual little purple flowers are so small I could fit about 15 in the circumference of a US Dime. Each flower is smaller than a small pea! Even 1/5 the size.


Now, our grass is mowed [like all around the country] regularly; here the blade cuts to about 3 inches or so. So, here is the remarkable part … these guys ‘learned’ [adapted] and developed to full maturity … at a height of just UNDER the repeating cutting blade of the mower!!!!

General Flynn? He should be awarded a medal; and, this outcome will be far better than a pardon.

I don’t pretend to know more than any person who may be reading this; even so, I sense, surmise, deduce, …  activities that came to surround General Michael Flynn after the election of President Trump is mind boggling, sad; … and very, very wrong. Immoral at least, and illegal as well. Frankly, – the word ‘sinful’ comes to mind.

I can not imagine how despondent, rejected, abandoned, alone … [General Flynn] felt in those days, weeks, months … while ‘the good guys’ slowly, [albeit surely], gathered their resources and information to right the many wrongs wrought upon him, his family, his friends, those who served with, and under him, and above him. A lifetime turned upside down.

Deep State? Yup. Remarkably, there has been such a ‘thing’ for many, many, years – but only recently has so much attention been devoted to shedding some light on the notion; and, it still needs more light so that The People can better understand and direct their government in right and positive ways.

General Flynn? He should be awarded a medal; further, although this process was surely painful, hurtful, harmful to [General Flynn’s] health, well being, spirit … I believe the outcome is an incalculably better by far than a quick presidential pardon. A pardon would have left a cloud … forever.

General Flynn, you and yours, have been and will remain in the prayers of millions of Americans. We regret the price you paid … for our freedoms to [ultimately] be better protected; it was sinful what was done to you.

With great thanks … .

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Time for Brennan and Clapper to be held fully responsible …

Time for Brennan and Clapper to be held fully responsible …

This is a story from CNN and it is clear to me that although the two former US Government leaders have been, for the larger part, silenced and warned off leaking and lying about President Trump

                … they are now reverting to these ‘behind the scenes’ leaks … and it is unacceptable. These men [not sure which leaked this – but] each are equally dangerous and need be held accountable for all their actions through today.

                More than losing privileges – these man need be openly shut down.

                I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Here is the story that prompted my own post:

Washington (CNN)In a previously undisclosed secret mission in 2017, the United States successfully extracted from Russia one of its highest-level covert sources inside the Russian government, multiple Trump administration officials with direct knowledge told CNN.

A person directly involved in the discussions said that the removal of the Russian was driven, in part, by concerns that President Donald Trump and his administration repeatedly mishandled classified intelligence and could contribute to exposing the covert source as a spy.

The decision to carry out the extraction occurred soon after a May 2017 meeting in the Oval Office in which Trump discussed highly classified intelligence with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and then-Russian Ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak. The intelligence, concerning ISIS in Syria, had been provided by Israel.

The disclosure to the Russians by the President, though not about the Russian spy specifically, prompted intelligence officials to renew earlier discussions about the potential risk of exposure, according to the source directly involved in the matter.

At the time, then-CIA Director Mike Pompeo told other senior Trump administration officials that too much information was coming out regarding the covert source, known as an asset. An extraction, or "exfiltration" as such an operation is referred to by intelligence officials, is an extraordinary remedy when US intelligence believes an asset is in immediate danger.

A US official said before the secret operation there was media speculation about the existence of such a covert source, and such coverage or public speculation poses risks to the safety of anyone a foreign government suspects may be involved. This official did not identify any public reporting to that effect at the time of this decision and CNN could not find any related reference in media reports.

Asked for comment, Brittany Bramell, the CIA director of public affairs, told CNN: "CNN’s narrative that the Central Intelligence Agency makes life-or-death decisions based on anything other than objective analysis and sound collection is simply false. Misguided speculation that the President’s handling of our nation’s most sensitive intelligence—which he has access to each and every day—drove an alleged exfiltration operation is inaccurate."

A spokesperson for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declined to comment. White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said, "CNN’s reporting is not only incorrect, it has the potential to put lives in danger."

Wide concerns about Trump in intelligence community

The removal happened at a time of wide concern in the intelligence community about mishandling of intelligence by Trump and his administration. Those concerns were described to CNN by five sources who served in the Trump administration, intelligence agencies and Congress.

Those concerns continued to grow in the period after Trump’s Oval Office meeting with Kislyak and Lavrov. Weeks after the decision to extract the spy, in July 2017, Trump met privately with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G20 summit in Hamburg and took the unusual step of confiscating the interpreter’s notes. Afterward, intelligence officials again expressed concern that the President may have improperly discussed classified intelligence with Russia, according to an intelligence source with knowledge of the intelligence community’s response to the Trump-Putin meeting.

Knowledge of the Russian covert source’s existence was highly restricted within the US government and intelligence agencies. According to one source, there was "no equal alternative" inside the Russian government, providing both insight and information on Putin.

CNN is withholding several details about the spy to reduce the risk of the person’s identification.

The secret removal of the high-level Russian asset has left the US without one of its key sources on the inner workings of the Kremlin and the plans and thinking of the Russian president at a time when tensions between the two nations have been growing. The US intelligence community considers Russia one of the two greatest threats to US national security, along with China.

"The impact would be huge because it is so hard to develop sources like that in any denied area, particularly Russia, because the surveillance and security there is so stringent," a former senior intelligence official told CNN. "You can’t reacquire a capability like that overnight."

Months of mounting fear

The decision to pull the asset out of Russia was the culmination of months of mounting fear within the intelligence community.

At the end of the Obama administration, US intelligence officials had already expressed concerns about the safety of this spy and other Russian assets, given the length of their cooperation with the US, according to a former senior intelligence official.

Those concerns grew in early 2017 after the US intelligence community released its public report on Russian meddling in the 2016 election, which said Putin himself ordered the operation. The intelligence community also shared a classified version of the report with the incoming Trump administration, and it included highly protected details on the sources behind the intelligence. Senior US intelligence officials considered extracting at least one Russian asset at the time but did not do so, according to the former senior intelligence official.

In the first months of his administration, Trump’s handling of classified intelligence further concerned intelligence officials. Ultimately, they decided to launch the difficult operation to remove an asset who had been working for the US for years.

The President was informed in advance of the extraction, along with a small number of senior officials. Details of the extraction itself remain secret and the whereabouts of the asset today are unknown to CNN.

CNN’s Marshall Cohen contributed to this report.


France heat waves leave nearly 1,500 dead – according to health minister


Maybe it is true; it sounds reasonable to me in these times: Anyone who works should not be ‘poor’.

However, let us quickly look over to France where 1,436 people – most elderly – DIED because of a Heat Wave! Died… 1,436!

In this country, the government insures that elderly [and poor young ones too!] have both Heat and Cooling year round!

Lots of things wrong with our country today … but too, lots of great things too!

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Two heat waves in France that saw temperatures soar past 100 degrees Fahrenheit this summer resulted in 1,435 deaths, according to health officials. |

No Confusion-He’s Right: Biden claims illegal immigrants ‘become Americans before a lot of Americans become Americans’

For a number of reasons, I don’t listen to ex VP Joe Biden for more than a few seconds – often to double check a fact…

Even so, I want to take a minute to say very clearly – I agree with the premise of his statement. For sure.

Some immigrants, legal or not, have become ‘Americans’ before many who were, and are, born here!

He’s right.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Here is the piece that led to my comment:

2020 presidential hopeful Joe Biden had another head-scratching moment out on the campaign trail Thursday when he claimed illegal immigrant children "become Americans" before actual United States citizens do.

Killer Pit Bulls …Over and Over and Over…. girl, 9 killed by pit bulls.

I pray the powers that be in cities and states across the country will see that these dogs are killers!

It is proven to be so … again and again and again and again and again… and will happen again.

PLEASE help write laws and vote them in!

This is only one in a series long enough to bring any caring man or woman … to tears.

These Dogs Are Weapons!

No exception can disprove the rule.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

A Michigan man is facing murder charges after his three dogs brutally attacked and killed a 9-year-old girl in Detroit earlier this week, according to Thursday reports.

Canadian single dad faces human rights complaint for asking about babysitter’s gender


The fact that I have no children – is often an inconsolable fact – however, when I look at the direction of the world and the speed in which morality is tanking … I have to wonder if it was a blessing for the souls who were not born into this mess of a century?

How in the world – upside down world or not – can it not be ok to ask a person who is seeking to care for your children – ‘Are You a Boy or a Girl?

Sorry to those who enjoy helping the world go out of control – but it is a fair question! We have TWO genders. Male and Female. Period.

Shame on Canadian Government representatives! And, any in America too, who might consider a similar notion [that it is not ok to ask!].

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

A single father in Canada may have violated his province’s human rights act by asking about the gender and age of a potential babysitter, according to a lawsuit.

The 21st Century Flower

I was driving to find a business in a part of upstate NY that I wasn’t familiar with and when I saw this after coming around a bend in the road … I just had to go back and take a few shots. It is a remarkable confluence of contrast , irony, and a political statement only a picture can make.

I call it

The 21st Century Flower

Murder by Dog(s) is Happening Too, Too Often

Murder by Dog(s) is Happening Too, Too Often

I guess the term is more properly ‘Manslaughter‘ [as these things can be predicted, but it is mostly impossible to prove premeditation].

Soon, because of so many reports crossing the headlines weekly and monthly, I will need to dedicate an entire section to such instances.

Most Importantly  – Each Death was/is Preventable – which is the saddest fact of all.

Some Breeds of Dogs Must Be Outlawed -or  these Killings will continue.

Bad People Acquire These Animals As Weapons; others are stubborn, clueless, or in denial.

No matter – either way – let us get these animals out of our neighborhoods and cities. it can happen to you, or your child, or your mother, father, brother, sister … .

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Here is a link to a new CNN report:

Serenity Prayer

Serenity Prayer

– Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it
trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
forever in the next.


I am not associated with AA; even so, I love this prayer and believe it would benefit any man or woman that might embrace it’s notions.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Climate Change Is Real but there’s nothing Man can EXCEPT PLAN for it

Climate Change Is Real – but there’s nothing Man can do about it – except plan for it.

1. We have hundreds of thousands – even millions – of people living in ‘low lying’ and ‘basin’ areas across the country – many as bad as New Orleans [no one should live there – anywhere – where dams hold back the water and you are in a geographical ‘bowl’!!!]

2. These millions of people will soon need to be relocated  [to higher ground]; plus, we will need to build new metropolitan areas as the climate changes – and we need to do this quickly [within maybe two decades – or less].

Climate Change is real (!) – however, I would, more than, quibble – I’d argue – that there is very little ‘man’ can do to change it! It is a process started millions of years ago – it is cyclic and such changes will continue for millions of years into the future (in spite of any mitigation Man attempts).

The ice will melt! All of it … and the waters will rise – around the planet; rather than use it in politics – we need to plan for it.

Sea Levels Will Rise

"There is enough ice in Greenland to raise the sea levels by 7.5 meters, that’s about 25 feet, an enormous volume of ice, and that would be devastating to coastlines all around the planet," said Willis. "We should be retreating already from the coastline if we are looking at many meters [lost] in the next century or two."

Here is a link to article based on a recent Scientific Study:

The U.S. Needs A Long Term Geographical Relocation Effort

Look, ‘Climate Change’ is real and it is inevitable. It has little to do with our human activity; it is a global phenomena and it has been moving in the same direction for many centuries.

Therefore, places where people and communities exist today – cannot exist there tomorrow [within a generation]; it is simple fact, and we must begin planning for it.

People are going to necessarily need to move from ‘low lying’ areas – from geographical ‘basins’… those who live on lands with natural topographical features that will flood from either heavy rains or rising seas…. must move to areas of higher ground – probably within a few decades.

It must be done to avoid unbelievable, last minute, havoc (of many kinds) – mark my words.

I’m just sayin’ … .


The desire to change the status quo in inner city areas – is a movement of love

As Portland, Ore., is gearing up for a set of dueling rallies this weekend – I believe that Dinesh D’Souza makes an important and necessary point in this piece [link  below].

He offers a few comparisons regarding slums –  in India on one hand – and in the US on the other … and he is correct. However, even, if I disagreed with the points here or in other pieces [on this issue] that I post – I see the value in having the discussions. Nationwide.

We NEED the focus of attention on atrocities, and general affronts to humanity, which the slums in these cities [most every city!] represent.

The larger effort to speak out on these realities is NOT racist. I suggest that for many good men and women; the cry for, and desire to, change the status quotient – is a movement of love*.

*Yes, that notion is not true for all in the mix; and, yes, for some it is politics in a continuing struggle for power. However, for others – it is a genuine desire, an effort grown from love, for all good men and women to experience meaningful, good, and positive change in their lives.

Here is a link to the piece that prompted the sharing my own view. In fact, it seems the video clip of D’Sousa and Fox Commentator – has little to do with the headline of the story regarding a coming [sure to be] clash between ‘Antifa’ and its ‘opposing’ group of troublemakers.

I’m just Sayin’ …

An exceptional piece of work by CNN on ‘Putin’s Private Army


This is simply an exceptional piece of work by CNN’s Tim Listor, Sebastian Shukia, and Clarissa Ward which I wanted to share … there is a link to the full piece at the end for accompanying documents. I think, between these kinds of efforts, and what is occurring as I type between China and Hong Kong …

The World Is About To Change!

I’m Just Sayin’ … .


Central African Republic (CNN)  There’s nothing secret about Russia’s presencein the Central African Republic. The streets are plastered with propaganda posters proclaiming “Russia: hand in hand with your army!” A local radio station churns out Russian ballads and language lessons. New recruits to the army are being trained in Russian, using Russian weapons.

But the Russian campaign in this war-torn country is anything but straightforward, drawing on a mix of guns-for-hire and clever PR to increase Moscow’s influence, outmaneuver its rivals and re-assert itself as a major player in the region.


Posters across Bangui are reminiscent of old Soviet propaganda. The posters read: “Central African Republic is hand in hand with Russia” and “talk a little, work a lot.” – Credit: Sebastian Shukla/CNN

A months-long CNN investigation has established that this ambitious drive into the heart of Africa is being sponsored by Yevgeny Prigozhin — an oligarch so close to the Kremlin that he is known as President Vladimir Putin’s “chef.” He was sanctioned by the US for funding the Internet Research Agency that meddled in the 2016 presidential election.

Prigozhin’s conglomerate includes a company called Lobaye Invest that funds the radio station in the Central African Republic (CAR). It also finances the training of army recruits in the CAR by some 250 Russian mercenaries, with more on the way. The dividend for Lobaye Invest: generous concessions to explore for diamonds and gold in a country rich in mineral wealth.

Prigozhin is no stranger to the world of mercenaries, or private military contractors (PMCs) as they are known in Russia. He’s thought to be the driving force behind Wagner, a secretive contractor whose soldiers of fortune played a role in Syria and eastern Ukraine. One of his veteran accomplices heads the company.

Play Video

Russian mercenaries creep into Africa 6:08

Our road to the CAR starts with a witness thousands of miles away in a drab Soviet-era apartment.

A Russian mercenary sits in the gloom, chain-smoking and preparing to talk for the first time about his life in a secret army that officially doesn’t exist.

He has fought in Chechnya against separatist rebels and in Syria to support the regime of Bashar al-Assad.

He asked for his identity to be concealed, afraid of reprisals for speaking about the shadowy force that is helping to extend Russian power and influence in unstable areas of the world.

He was paid, he says, by Wagner.


Members of a Wagner mercenary unit, whose faces have been blurred, operating in the Syrian desert. – Credit: Obtained by CNN

“It’s just a fighting unit that will do anything that Putin says,” he adds.

It is a charge the Kremlin denies. In June, Putin said of military contractors in Syria: “These people risk their lives and by and large this is also a contribution in fighting terrorism … but this is not the Russian state, not the Russian army.”

But analysts say it’s inconceivable that Wagner would exist without Putin’s approval. Indeed, its training camp in Molkino in southern Russia is attached to a Russian special forces base, guarded by regular soldiers who do not welcome visitors.

Prigozhin has previously denied being connected to Wagner. Neither he nor anyone from his companies would talk to CNN, but after mixed fortunes in Ukraine and Syria the oligarch appears to have turned his attention to Africa, with various subsidiaries at work in Libya, Sudan and the Central African Republic.


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Meet ‘Oleg’, the chain-smoking former Wagner mercenary 4:19

In the CAR, the mercenaries’ headquarters are on the grounds of a now dilapidated former presidential palace at Berengo, a two-hour drive from the capital Bangui.

In 2017, the UN Security Council approved a Russian training mission, but other governments did not expect Prigozhin’s men to fill the void. Not surprisingly, the trainers covered their faces and refused to speak to us.

The one man who is interviewed is Valery Zakharov, a cheerful and florid former military intelligence officer who spent time in Chechnya in the 1990s and is now in charge of the training.

He views his role simply, telling CNN: “Russia is returning to Africa.”

“We were present in many countries during the time of the Soviet Union, and Russia is coming back to the same position. We still have connections and we are trying to re-establish them,” he said.

MoscowUkraineSyriaLibyaSudanCentral African Republic

Russia’s expanding influence across three continents

MercenariesRussian mercenaries first appeared in Ukraine in 2014. Since then they have spread across three continents, often targeting unstable countries. Private Military Companies are officially illegal in Russia.

An exact figure on how many fighters there are is hard to estimate. However, CNN has independently confirmed at least several hundred.

Kremlin-connected oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin is believed to be behind the most notorious group — Wagner.

Natural resourcesMany of the countries where Russian mercenaries are active have large stores of natural resources.

In Sudan and the CAR, Prigozhin-linked companies have been given exploration rights to gold and diamond mines. In Syria, Wagner mercenaries secured oil fields in exchange for a percentage of profit.

National influenceRussia has been trying to boost its influence in a number of African states, penning bilateral agreements with multiple countries, some of which are shown on this map.

Zakharov describes the instructors as “reservists.” But neither he nor anyone else could explain who sent them and who pays them. And his own role in the country is somewhat unclear.

Zakharov told CNN he works as a security adviser for the Central African Republic’s President Faustin-Archange Touadéra.

“He pays me a salary, therefore, I work for him,” Zakharov said.

He added that he had never met Prigozhin and insisted Wagner did not operate in the CAR.

“Let’s be clear again what we mean by Wagner — if we mean the composer?” he joked. “Legally it does not exist and therefore we are going to consider that it does not exist. As regards the Central African Republic at the current time, there is no PMC (Private Military Contractor) Wagner.”

Prigozhin’s complex network of companies

Yevgeny V.


Ties to Putin’s

inner circle


Vladimir V. Putin



Listed as 50%

owned by Prigozhin

Shares email / domain name with Concord


Parent company

for a group of



in Russia


Part of /

subsidiary of

Evgeny Khodotov has

run both companies

Accused by US

of backing Internet

Research Agency (IRA)

Owned or controlled

by Prigozhin











Dmitry V. Utkin is head of Wagner. A man of the same name was listed as Director General of Concord


Part of /

subsidiary of


Accused by US of

influencing the 2016

Presidential Election

Under US

treasury sanctions






Notorious group

of mercenaries

But CNN has obtained documents showing Zakharov has been paid by a Prigozhin company, M-Finans, at least once, in July 2018.

He lives at the headquarters of Lobaye Invest, in a walled compound outside the capital, Bangui. A solitary Russian flag flutters nearby; an ammunition box with Cyrillic script sits atop the wall.

Zakharov’s employer, President Touadera, told CNN there was no link between the support Russia provided in military training and “other sectors.”

But CNN obtained documents showing that Lobaye Invest had won exploration rights at seven sites to look for diamonds and gold.

This is simply an exceptional piece of work by CNN’s Tim Listor, Sebastian Shukia, and Clarissa Ward which I wanted to share … there is a link to the full piece at the end for accompanying documents. I think, between these kinds of efforts, and what is occurring as I type between China and Hong Kong

The World Is About To Change!

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

God will bless you; … strengthen, welcome, and bless them too. You know. I know. We know.

Sadly, we have so many young men and women, especially including adolescents and children, whom are confused, befuddled, frustrated and angry because they simply have no internalized concept of ‘who they are’ ‘where they come from’ [in a spiritual sense], ‘why they are here’ [on earth] – and what happens after this life(?)

There is such an empty place in the hearts of, now, generations of  souls – and, no one – not even our Ministries of Faith – seem willing to get up and remind people why Religion is so important. 

Clay Christensen says it so much better than I

From the very beginnings of this country – religion was an intricate part of the fabric of family life and of this very country. It was ‘understood’ that there was a God, a clear Good, an indisputable Bad; … and kids had families in which they were taught to read the bible, understand moral values and concepts – and, maybe most of all – people were taught to respect Gods law which had become Man’s law. Scripture shaped the law – around the world in many countries, and in our own America by virtue of our Constitution,  in the very founding of this country.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Too many feel isolated, too many are bullied and pushed into responding in a way, that somehow, we as a larger society – caused [inadvertently]

I finally agree, it is time for banning assault weapons; however, these mass shootings have little to do with gun control or any lack thereof. Any maniac who desires to hurt people – will find a way.

Too many kids born into these generations have been raised in atmospheres that are off kilter. They have been exposed to, raised in, unrelenting elements of a society – that we did not understand would yield this result. [Although clearly, some did]. In short, to coin a phrase – too many were raised ‘pulling the trigger’ [in ‘fantasy games’].

At the fact that so many feel isolated (physically and/or emotionally), too many are bullied; and, one result is that too many are pushed into responding in a way, that somehow, we as a larger society – caused and allowed [inadvertently].

I am not wise, or studied, enough to precisely put my finger on any one cause – but the causes are there, they are real, they are understandable, and they must be addressed.

Without doubt, the revolution in technology has a part in the root cause of the violent behavior of too many young men. Those violent games kids played incessantly – those ‘games’ – those fantasy killing, shooting, environments – are being mimicked in real life.

Violence in games and movies – amplified and perpetuated in make believe worlds by greedy and unscrupulous people [and/or ignorant] – is coming home to roost!

Add, factors like door latch kids, kids raised by television … kids growing up absent parenting, religion, self worth, who ‘play’ 1000’s of hours of these ‘games’ – in efforts to escape their own unhappy reality – and we have chaos – we have mass shootings week after week, month after month. We have too many children (who, of course, grow into adults) suffering from absent parent(s) [physically or emotionally] – poor schooling, bullying, growing divisions between classes and races, the collapse of the ‘family’, crazy divisive groups throughout society, never ending warsALL of itAND MORE.

Yes, the games, films, shows, comics, toys … were ‘make believe’ but I tell you for sure – their result is not!

My notion is not popular … yet, even so … violence in games and movies, lack of parenting, lack of religious teachings, isolation through these electronic platforms and devices, on and on, etc. etc. paved the path to the tragedy’s of today.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .