Iowa father hailed a hero after he dies while saving daughter, 5, from dog attack

An Iowa man died over the weekend after police say he was fatally injured while saving the life of his 5-year-old daughter who had been mauled by a dog.

This makes me so sad … and frustrated, and angry. My heart is heavy and I pray comfort and blessings upon those who lived … and my God welcome and hold close – the man – the father and husband … that was killed.

I have written many times of the subject of killer dogs … literal deadly weapons when raised by so many people for so many wrong reasons. Personally, I believe the breeds in question – ought to be illegal. This is one kind of animal that man made common – that we can do without!

Killers* they are … born and bred to be.

*Not every single one, not all; I understand, and know for sure – there are exceptions!

Never the less, the breeds are prone … pre-determined genetically – to behave in very dangerous, very inhumane ways – particularly with an ‘eye’ toward small dogs, children, and even big strong adults when such situation presents.

A man [or woman] without a gun or weapon – and the determination to use it – will be killed if such a dog attacks. No doubt.

The breed(s) need to be outlawed.


I’m just sayin’ … .

The story today that prompted my remarks?

3 Replies to “Iowa father hailed a hero after he dies while saving daughter, 5, from dog attack”

    1. Hello,

      If you’re real – thanks for taking the time to read some of my thoughts and compositions. I say ‘if’ because you wouldn’t believe the SPAM, etc. that comes with a published blog.

      To answer your question – I use standard WordPress with a few tweaks that are very easy to learn based on one’s own needs.

      I like to write a story in MS Word and just send it to an email – and voila – it’s published -just as I wrote it. Instantly. Simple.

      It takes a minute to learn WP but its really, really, really user friendly. Learn it and you can do most anything … simply.

      It can also be done cheaply. A domain, a basic hosting plan – less than $5 a month. Lots of deals all the time – I support a small company that began in Lithuania called Hostinger [never godaddy!].

      I like to write; it’s fun – and, at the end of the day – I feel that I, at least, expressed what I feel in my heart – and I sleep better.

      I’m Just Sayin’ … .

      Thanks for writing,
      PS Oh, if it helps, the email to publish app is free – available through the WP blog app [also free]. It’s called “Postie” [easy to find after you install WP].

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