[Chirp, Chirp Chirp]

Waking before the sun in the mornings these days?

Is the world upside down pressing on you?

Are you seeking something, anything, in the world that might lift and brighten your day?

Then, the next time you wake up before 5AM – I invite you to get up, open your window a little (turn off the fan or ac too) and return to bed; then lay quietly in the dark, in the silence, and offer a prayer.

Very quietly in prayer, reflect upon the many blessings you’ve enjoyed through your life …

All the while, keep listening:

A beautiful, great, quiet – yet powerful, subtle – yet unmistakable, sound will come

As you pray, suddenly, something very sweet will break the silence.

What was that? There it is again ... still faint, yet much more distinct the second time … and now by the third time … the sound is unmistakable – there it is again! J

Chirp. J Chirp Chirp …

Open your eyes, smile, thank your Heavenly Father, finish your prayer and say ‘good morning’ to those first early birds that invite the sunrise – every day even through the madness of 2020….

 Keep smiling … and begin your day – the day God has blessed you to have – with a newly recognized gratitude in your heart. Be daily mindful that God so loves you that He created it all – all of it – that you may have this life! Even this day; even the first songs of the mornings.

Those first "Chirps"? Those are just one reminder in this upside down world; I hope you hear them all …

  [Chirp, Chirp Chirp!]

God, Loves You!


I’m Just Sayin’ … .




I’m not an economist [ although I did take economics 101], and I am no reader of the future … but even the kid who never came to class would guess that we are in for a bout of inflation unlike we’ve ever seen.

I remember stickers on soup cans … .21¢ .23¢, .25¢, .30¢, .35¢, .40¢, .50¢ …. one little square sticker on top of another, week after week! It was mind boggling for a couple starting out in life after college. Books report inflation was about 12% but it felt more like 50%!

Last week, Wendy’s tried to charge me $15 for a hamburger and fries [I told them I changed my mind]. This is going to be worse than the 1980’s

AS I said, I am no expert – but if you have anything to ‘invest’ – I recommend you research what does best through inflationary years and buy it; … a lot of it.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Leveraged – Too Big To Fail – Gamble

Leveraged – Too Big To Fail – Gamble

This Mayor, others, and a pile of Governors – have leveraged the well being of Millions of people – on a notion that they are too big to fail… i.e. you MUST bail out our failed laws and policies… or innocent people will suffer.

I don’t know what the answer is – maybe ‘yeah, we’ll bail you out – but those in power – go too’.

I’m Just Sayin’ …

Decisions World Wide Mission – I’m Just Sayin’


World Wide Mission


I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Some of us, sometimes, make a ‘Decision‘ in our lives – and sort of conclude to ourselves that: Its ‘done’ ... .

We take that decision, put it in a box, put the box in a drawer … and that’s it… we move on.

However, decisions are often not so simple – not so cut and dried – [at least, for me].

After all, how can we [anyone] know in the important and practical senses, what ramifications follow or will follow from a decision – until we live with a decision in real life for a while?

We can’t.

Personally, I believe it important for thinking men and women to adapt and readjust their path based on the daily wisdom from life we are blessed to accumulate. I say such ability is not ‘wishy-washy’ … I say it demonstrates [in the characters’ of people] Wisdom; Wisdom they are blessed with along the way in their journey.

Often, decisions are small, reversible, milestones in a lifelong journey. Sometimes we need to travel a ways after a junction in the road before knowing if we took the correct path.

Early this year, I ‘decided’ to close down my running postings at “I’m Just Sayin’ … .”

I’d come to a ‘Y’ in the road, and I made a decision.

I traveled a ways and recognized it was not the best path*.

*Note me, and I will send a link to an interesting piece from a general conference talk about how/why the Holy Spirit can, and doe at times, seem to tell us to take the ‘wrong’ path – and yet, for right and good reasons it was the correct path – for a time.

Allow me to add this:

In this life, I have concluded that people do, can, and will judge. It matters not if they say they do or they don’t … and it matters not if they change the words [‘discern’… ‘judgment’s, ‘evaluate’, etc, etc. …] … People Judge [me/you] Every Day.

A long time ago, I was blessed to understand a piece of wisdom; since then, I have evolved my life, more and more each year – to reflect outwardly my understanding and acceptance of the truth in that wisdom:

People are going to judge me – and people are going to judge me no matter what – and, more importantly, our Father in heaven will judge me … so, why not be myself and be judged rightly for who I really am?

I weaved that into my thoughts here in “I’m Just Sayin’ … .” One shortcoming by that fact, and of this site, (and my archives) is that most often – most days – looking for something to say – I was moved daily [as many of us are] by what was presented to me in my daily life-and yours: The Political Fodder of Agendas’ and Hyperboles.


Worse yet, – and, sadly, – (forgive as I digress) a major percentage of what is ‘presented to us in our daily lives’most of us – is [or ought to be wholly discounted as] politically proffered fodder. Good old American [and Russian, and Chinese, and Korean, and etc] Fodder – straight from the fodder farms.

This nonsense drives a major portion of our society … [how sad for all of us]… and one result is that shows up here on this site – AND THAT skews what is genuinely important to me on fundamental levels and in foundational ways – because, like you, I am served up this fodder every day in daily life.

I will still work to call stuff – stuff – as I see it; and too, I will try not to regurgitate the puke of FNN, CNN, etc. I will warn you though – I will do it – because sometimes it needs be said anyway! I need stand and be counted – even in the fields of fodder.

I do regret that these irrational agendas, the daily hyperbole headlines – are what millions – billions – of good people around the world – are [having their attentions] focused on each and every day!

This daily non-sense – HAS THE ATTENTION OF the PEOPLE OF THE WORLD.


So, I will speak on it from time to time.

Please do not allow it to take your precious attention from what is important in this mortal life

[Faith in God, Strong Family, Endowed Freedoms, even Eternal Life].

Don’t be fooled by the noise and flash – it has no substance.

I invite you to come back often.

World Wide Mission + I’m Just Sayin’ … .

a way forward

Thanks for stopping by …

Jerry Lombardo

What I have to say … doesn’t matter.

Why No Posts?

In these noisy, chaotic, times – I believe – even I know for sure – we [as individuals] need to hear from God; we need to quiet our minds, quiet our souls, pray … and LISTEN to know what your Heavenly Father has for you to do.

Ask for Wisdom in humble prayer, listen … and you shall receive it.

What I have to say … doesn’t matter.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Want an email notice when there is a new post? What Access To Archives Not Open To Public?

Want an email notice when there is a new post to

I’m Just Sayin’… .” and “World Wide Mission” … ?

Send an email to jerry@uticalive.com– Simply put ‘yes’ in the subject line. No note needed.

UPDATE June 2020 – I am working to understand which compositions to make public and which to keep private. If you want access to posts not public – just drop me a note to the same email address. I’ll set up a password or something so you have access those I have not left public [many].


THIS IS ABOUT ABORTION (and, so much more)

Federal Judge Critical of Chief Justice John Roberts.

I take exception to all the hyperbole and awfully slanted words the main stream media [all of them] choose for their ‘headlines’. So, I don’t like the headlines’ chosen word – “Blasts” – but never the less – the content is of great interest to me. Because …THIS IS ABOUT ABORTION:

Disorder in the courts: Federal judge blasts Chief Justice John Roberts

And, as the pendulum begins to swing toward understanding that abortions are The Taking of a LIFE [ practicing what I say – could have chosen other words] – and, ‘it’ – i.e.  the Law of The Land-  may finally be righted – these characters (the opposition) are (even more) out of control [C Schumer NY] and now this federal judge seriously charging that the Supreme Court is “actively participating in undermining American democracy”.

Forgive me, and I sure may be wrong … but this and other reasons/examples like it – are why America needed [even a flawed] man like Donald Trump. Whatever his motivations are, or were – he has  saved Religious Freedoms, Right to Worship, Right to Life, Right to Speak … as we welcome God back into our classrooms and the town square! Soon, again, in Universities, and more.

I know God chooses whom He will and can use any flawed person to do His Will. People grow; people [can] change.

As this country again begins to recognize and embrace its Origins, its Greatness – this Opposition is going to go off the rails.

Question everything – in which the driving force might be to turn this long awaited tide; don’t be easily fooled or misled; pray for wisdom and you will receive it.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Here is a link to the story that prompted my remarks:

A federal judge leveled harsh accusations against Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and the rest of the conservative majority, claiming that they are “actively participating in undermining American democracy.” https://fxn.ws/3aPPynM

I’m Just Sayin’ … . / World Wide Mission

This site – currently associated with “I’m Just Sayin’ … .” will take on an older notion of mine – which I had dubbed at the time … World Wide Mission. This piece is my first effort toward this transition. I invite you to return from time to time and see the changes. I aim, after all, for it to be consistent with my own Progression while remaining relevant to the ever growing, ever changing, opposition present in the world.

 World Wide Mission


http://yeswedeliver.org/Flags/hong%20kong.gif http://yeswedeliver.org/Flags/us.gif http://yeswedeliver.org/Flags/japan.gif http://yeswedeliver.org/Flags/kazakhstan.gif http://yeswedeliver.org/Flags/uk.gif http://yeswedeliver.org/Flags/uae.gif http://yeswedeliver.org/Flags/netherlands.gif http://yeswedeliver.org/Flags/austrailia.gif http://yeswedeliver.org/Flags/aruba.gif http://yeswedeliver.org/Flags/utah.gif http://yeswedeliver.org/Flags/ny.gif http://yeswedeliver.org/Flags/jamaica.gif http://yeswedeliver.org/Flags/hawiai.gif http://yeswedeliver.org/Flags/3dflags.gif

It is important to note that even as I am an active, worthy, serving, member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, this site, these notions, are my own and do not reflect or represent officially – my Church.

                                                                                                                                  jerry lombardo

For over a decade, I have lacked the boldness to proclaim – right up front – certain aspects of The Restored Gospel when trying to teach and share with others what we have. In fact, this notion comes not from me, but from Elder Jeffrey R Holland [and others].

In the past, I would testify to the Truth of it all by way of what stands before us today – The Church, The Priesthood, The Light that Shines from those sources. “By what we have, what we can see, touch, and feel – can I tell you sure … it’s all true”.[jl]

That falls short from my view today; my intent was good, my actions correct – and yet, I see my approach lacked a definitive belief or testimony. One which I am only now beginning to organize in preparation to share The Restored Gospel … differently than I did before.

It makes sense to me today to say clearly – up front – if you do not, or will not, accept or believe that God has Angels, Messengers and Prophets – and the Power to manifest them even today – then you will not accept this added Truth – The Book of Mormon – given us in these Latter Days (by God).

This Dispensation, these times, this Church – this Restoration – squarely sits upon the foundation that Joseph Smith, and others – saw, spoke with, and interacted with Angels and even God!

I can not run from that any longer! Either I believe it … or I don’t.

I believed it but could not bring myself to ask others to believe it; …so, I danced around it – testified of what was tangible – and patiently wait(ed) for others to learn for themselves.

I am not suggesting the approach was wrong …but it was not exactly complete. My toolbox lacked an important tool, my manual was short a chapter or two.

Elder Holland was right – is right – for me; so no longer will I back away from the very foundation that all of this is built upon. God lives; and He  [still ]has the power to send Angels, and even show Himself, and so can our Savior – and They did… or what we have is all a lie. [Not my words, but those of Elder Holland, and others, – paraphrased]

Yes, its bold and surely there is always room to move toward a center of two different ideas. I’ll venture to say that both have merit; both approaches – both ‘tools’ ought be in our tool box.

A Standard Unto My People
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
of the Quorum of the Twelve
Symposium on the Book of Mormon, 9 August 1994, BYU) 



The Work – A Standard Unto My People reads over twenty pages and I will not post the text directly here; nor do I find the same text on CJCLDS Website. Never the less, here is a link to the a site which has posted the text: https://scottwoodward.org/Talks/html/Holland,%20Jeffrey%20R/HollandJR_AStandardUntoMyPeople.html

I’m Just Sayin’ … .


All Who Visit, Read, and especially those who have shared back you own positions, thoughts, and opinions… … …

Thank you.

I have made a decision in regard to the dynamics which were a part of the foundation of my compositions and opinions expressed here:

They are about to change.

I stand by my compositions – and the positions I chose to take, and express; I believe it is necessary to provide genuine opposition to darker aims and deeds we see more and more in the world today.

The current direction of, and the discourse in, the world today … are both [to me] unacceptable.

I believe we, that is to say, all men and women of faith we who believe in, and work to live by, the Will of our Heavenly Father … (we)must .. MUST – stand, speak, and be counted.

My ability to express myself using the written word – is a Gift, a Talent; and, (I hope) I exercised it accordingly.

In my writings, musings, and heartfelt  positions – I called crazy for crazydangerous for dangerous, wrong for wrong … in clear, and decisive ways. I make no apology for doing so; and yet, I recognize in myself – a need to return to a different approach toward the same outcome [stand, speak, and be counted].

In all my years, in spite of my strong feelings – and frustrating circumstances that dominated my younger life – I acted always to unite, to bring people together, to heal differences, and sought always to offer comfort over confrontation.

My posture through my compositions has been strong [as it needed to be] however, it was also divisive [and didn’t necessarily need to be].

I will repeat a familiar phrase that came to mind as I contemplated my own path forward; it is one I have heard repeated in recent weeks – in a range of ‘disconnected’ circumstances:

            ‘What would Jesus Do?’ [The answer to that question, under all circumstances, is admittedly important to me in my life, however, frankly – it is not a phrase in my everyday lexicon.]

Well, if my memory serves me, and if you will allow a perspective that allows for a bit of jest [in truth]:

He, Jesus, – both – turned over some tables [when it was rightly needed] – and too  – He showed, gave, taught … Love for all. He provided all of us an exceptional example, and ultimately gave His life to do His Fathers Work [to Save all mankind – at least, all whom will].

Christ lived, suffered, and died … to Save us and serve … us; in the Will of The Father – Jesus gave His mortal life, in an unimaginable way, to teach, … to save US.

I cannot save the world, but I can [and do] work to emulate our Savior in my own life today; … and yes, [now] I’ve turned over a few tablesas did our Savior in the temple … .

I hope to remain provocative – however, I wish to provoke people to Love one and other; and, I choose to employ compassion over confrontation. My desire is to teach by good example and not by knee jerk [or even well thought out] arguments which push (even moderate) people into polarized positions.

I will continue writing – and, I hope, always will I stand to be counted; that said, I will choose a different method – I will emulate more, our Saviors love and compassion, rather than disdain and confrontation.

I’m Just Sayin’ …


GLASS – Reusable/Refillable – RX Bottles

GLASS Reusable/RefillableRX Bottles

Most Americans use a variety of plastic medicine bottles – Pharmacies use MILLIONS upon Millions a year … and we, mostly – just throw them away.

I understand many folks [like me] reuse, repurpose – but even so – eventually – they land up in landfill or oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams.

Why not use small, reusable, glass bottles?

Such bottles can be of various sizes, returned, sterilized, and [in the real sense of the word] Re-Filled! If people need further incentive – add a five cent deposit!

This is just a small, and simple notion – but I believe it is the way our society needs to think – moving into the future. I don’t want my Old Rx Bottles winding up in the stomach of a whale, or floating in a pile of plastic trash – in the ocean – the size of NYS.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

God Returns To Defeat Evil – I read the book!

Happy Birthday Jesus
Merry Christmas

From time to time, when all the hyperbole subsides, in my own quiet, private spaceI REMEMBER:

Not only have I read the bookeven the end of the book – and I KNOW How it Endsand so do you:

Our Savior Returns …

… and He says ….. STOP!

… It is Enough


The End is Already Written …

At The End of this Dispensation

Our Savior Returns


GOD DEFEATS Evil… and 1000 years of Teaching begins.


Happy Birthday Jesus!

Also Known As…


I’m Just Sayin’ … .                                             Merry Christmas

You’re not paranoid. Your phone really is listening in

You’re not paranoid. Your phone really is listening in.

This is only the tip of the iceberg and, even so, it is very troubling indeed.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .


By Kim Komando | The Kim Komando Show

Is your phone listening in on you?

Is your phone listening in on you? (iStock)

The scene plays out like a thriller: you pull out your phone, and you see an ad for AirPods.

Wait a minute, you think. Didn’t I just have a conversation about AirPods with my friend? Like, a real conversation, spoken aloud? Is my phone… listening to me?

Why, yes, it probably is. When you use your default settings, everything you say may be recorded through your device’s onboard microphone. Our phones routinely collect our voice data, store it in a distant server, and use it for marketing purposes. This fact was kept quiet for some time, but this kind of targeted ad is gradually becoming common knowledge.

As a “prime” example, tap or click here to see what Amazon does with the voice data it harvests and how you can stop Alexa from listening.

Your phone isn’t the only device that’s watching and listening to you. The FBI warns hackers can take over your smart TV if you don’t secure it. Tap or click to learn how to take control of your privacy on your TV before it’s too late.

Before you ask, yes, it’s perfectly legal, and developers claim not to abuse this practice. But that doesn’t mean you have to like it; many people are startled to see ads for things they have only spoken about, not search for on their browsers. Luckily, there are ways to stop your devices from eavesdropping on you.

Whispering (marketing) campaigns

When you think about it, smartphones are equipped with an arsenal of monitoring equipment: multiple microphones and cameras are designed to absorb audio and video. While these tools may be useful for creating media, they are also a goldmine for advertisers.

In mid-2018, a reporter for Vice experimented to see just how closely smartphones listen to our conversations. To test his phone, the journalist spoke pre-selected phrases twice a day for five days in a row. Meanwhile, he monitored his Facebook feed to see if any changes occurred.

Sure enough, the changes seemed to arrive overnight. One of his test phrases involved going “back to university,” and by the next morning, the reporter saw ads for summer courses. He then changed up his test phrase to "cheap shirts," and quickly saw advertisements for low-cost apparel on his Facebook feed.

This report triggered a wave of studies on the surveillance effects of social media platforms.

While not every study provided clear answers, a general sense of agreement on the matter was reached due to hints in the User Agreements of several apps and social media platforms. Tap or click for an easy way to spot what’s hiding in the User Agreement of your favorite platforms.

These user agreements explicitly state recorded audio may be used for targeted advertising purposes. Interestingly, such practices aren’t against the law. This action allows tech companies to push the privacy boundaries even further to encourage us to buy things we don’t need.

What can I do about being spied on?

If you’re not comfortable with targeted ads, there are ways to mitigate your smartphone’s spy power. That said, you may lose access to some handy features like wake words and voice assistants, so you’ll have to decide whether these features are worth sacrificing your privacy.

The biggest vulnerability comes from the "always-on" feature of most voice assistants. To pick up wake words like "Hey Siri," the mic needs to remain on at all times – which means your phone is always listening.

The best place to start taking your privacy back is by turning off the "always-on" microphone features on your handset. Here’s how to do it.

Deactivate “Hey Siri”

Apple has come under fire for transcribing audio recordings of Siri users. The data is locally stored on your device and is uploaded once Siri is activated, so disabling this feature will at least make your Siri inputs shorter and more specific to your requests.

To turn off “Hey Siri,” navigate to your iOS device’s Settings, followed by Siri & Search. Then, toggle Listen for ‘Hey Siri to Off.

Disable “OK Google”

Every time you use "OK Google," or use another voice-controlled function, your query is recorded, and the transcripts are saved to your Google account. Tap or click here to learn how to remove these recordings and other info you don’t want Google to store.

If you use Google Assistant on Android, open the Google Assistant Settings. Say, "OK Google" or hold down the phone’s home button, then tap the file drawer icon found on the upper right-hand corner, and tap the three-dot menu. Select More and choose Settings.

From this point, you’ll want to scroll down to the devices category and select your phone, then in the Google Assistant section near the top, tap the blue slider button to change it gray, which turns off Google Assistant.

Disable mic access for apps

Disabling the always-on microphone features from your phone isn’t enough for some apps like Facebook. The social site makes exceptions to the rule and will keep on listening unless you make the change.

This is just one of the many privacy settings you really should be using if you have a Facebook account. Tap or click for more ways to lock down your profile.

Here’s how you can turn audio recording off for Facebook, but the same steps apply for any app that uses the microphone:


Go to Settings >> Facebook >> Settings in the sub-menu. Slide the Microphone switch to the left, so it turns from green to white. That turns it off. Alternatively, you can go to Settings >> Privacy >> Microphone then look for Facebook to do the same. Note that you can toggle the mic on and off for other apps, too.


Open Settings, then choose Applications and Application Manager. Look for Facebook, and tap App Permissions, then toggle the microphone off.

Keep in mind, turning off Facebook’s microphone access will affect and disable certain features like Live Video. If you’re going to use these features, you will have to toggle the mic back on. Follow the same steps above, but make sure the toggle is set to On, and you’ll be good to go.


Here is link to original story https://fxn.ws/2EiBPY1

FBI warns of new cyber threat to US that involves ‘whole variety’ of actors from China

In my view, the Chinese are a threat which is equivalent to ISIS – they just are employing different methods


New cyber and digital national security threats are coming not just from terrorists, but an “uptick” in counterintelligence campaigns from China, the FBI said this week.

I believe Mr. Wray is not the best man as FBI Director; even on this point, I believe he is understating the truth:

It is not [yet] a ‘shooting war’ … however, even so:

We Are At War With China!

In my view, the Chinese are a threat which is equivalent to ISIS – they just are employing different methods. They began ‘moving’ to overtake the USA decades ago [one of our Presidents decided to sell out to China!] and they have done a thorough job.

President Trump is 100% correct – WE – the people of the USA – literally paid for the rebuilding of China … and, now, there is going to be hell to pay.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Here is the story that led to my comments: https://fxn.ws/32qo4R1


Krispy Kreme Donuts & Enterprising Young Man

Re: Krispy Kreme Donuts & Enterprising Young Man

I made the time to write to corporate about this: //www.foxnews.com/food-drink/krispy-kreme-minnesota-student… and this is the (very cool) reply I am happy to share:

Dear Mr. Lombardo,

Thank you for your email. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you.


Yesterday, we reached out to Jayson to express our appreciation for his love of Krispy Kreme and admiration for his entrepreneurial spirit.  We are going to help him achieve his goals, which include being debt-free when he graduates in 2021, in part by selling Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. Our intent regarding the temporary stoppage of him selling doughnuts was to ensure product quality and regulatory compliance to protect both Jayson and Krispy Kreme. Our main concern is that the doughnuts Jayson sells maintain our high product quality standards, given the distance and manner in which he is transporting and distributing them. So, we are happy to work with Jayson as an independent operator to ensure consistent delivery of our high-quality doughnuts to our fans in Minnesota. We wish Jayson great success and we’re thrilled to help him achieve it by donating 500 dozen doughnuts when he re-starts his business.


Best regards,

Krispy Kreme Customer Experience





Close to a thousand anti-police protesters descended on Downtown Brooklyn Friday night

Good job Mayor de Blasio [but no large soda for you] … and Kudos Governor Cuomo [Tax the Rich …and then, God forbid they leave….].

Close to a thousand anti-police protesters descended on Downtown Brooklyn Friday night, blocking traffic, vandalizing a city bus and shouting obscene insults at NYPD cops.

I believe this to be a very ‘telling’ story. I will suggest its not so much about law breakers [which needs to be addressed anyway] as it is about ‘blight’ from NYS (and good old American dollars).

New York City … NEEDS the paltry few dollars being lost by poor folks jumping turn-styles in the New York MTA; so, de Blasio wrings his hands and sends NYPD in to stop the turn-style criminals.

THAT is sad; very sad. I do not support breaking the law(s) and avoiding fares … [however, I am aware that, ironically, by de Blasio’s and Cuomos’ political bend – trains and buses ought be free anyway].

Separately, I can’t help an inward, ‘I told you so’ smile as the mismanagement and the years of liberal policies are also why Marijuana will be legal in NYS next year …[the ‘key’ for me – is WHY?]

It is because NYS [especially NYC] can not do without the extra dollars – NY, is THE Most Taxed state in America – and, it is broke – can’t continue make payrolls, deliver services, operate government – unless it sells pot (and collects tax on it). I am not opposed to legalization, but the facts outlined – still remain.

Democratic ideals [and leadership] has NYS on the brink of failure [by our Governors own mouth].

Interestingly enough, the reason pot was not legalized this year was because NYC and NYS [among others] were fighting so bad over who gets the money … it was pushed off till next year.

Good job Mayor de Blasio [but no large soda for you] … and Kudos Governor Cuomo ["Tax the Rich …and then, God forbid they leave"….].

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Here is the news story that led to my remarks: https://fxn.ws/2pxVCPD


We Must Plan for Climate Change and Water Levels Rising because it is happening – but ‘Man’ is Not to blame

We tend to believe our cities, our buildings, our communities – even in these questionable areas and times – are indestructible; in truth, they are neither permanent nor indestructible.

Climate Change

My compositions posted here are likely meaningless if the hope is to have the powers that be – to hear my most reasonable [and true] notion and declaration; instead, maybe one day history will judge myself, and other thoughtful folks, to have been on the right side of thinking [in regard to understanding, looking forward, and planning when considering Climate Change.

Climate Change is real.

[However] Climate Change is not driven by man [although our actions do contribute to polluting our air, water, and soil]. We ought be more concerned with our polluting EVERYTHING with our plastics and petro chemicals. Further, let’s stop raping the earth and find better ways of sustaining the lifestyles so many seem to embrace. THAT is another story though.

This is about our need to PLAN for Climate Change, and Water Levels Rising …  because there is no stopping it; and, it will effect major civilian populations around the world.

It seems many areas of land were developed in ways that were/are [mistakenly] considered ‘permanent’; … however, along shorelines, coastlines, in basins, and low lying areas … these areas, and many others [in my opinion] ought never have been considered permanent.

We tend to believe our cities, our buildings, our communities – even in these questionable areas and times – are indestructible; in truth, they are neither permanent nor indestructible.

Oceans and climate change … in any decade or century or millennia – can (and soon) will claim many areas around the world and logic, even wisdom, suggests – these are the decades, the century – we will see such change in these areas – [making them much more difficult, if not impossible, to remain habitable].

The earth lives, it changes, and it too, has cycles. Cycles of heating and cooling is one of them – be it that the cycles and events develop slowly as the world ‘turns’ [as the natural result of time] or by catastrophic events – like a heavenly body impacting the earth… the earth, it’s climate, its weather patterns, its geological processes … ‘change’ – in the most natural of ways.

In the past, mostly we adapted; today, we have the organization to PLAN for the changes because they are happening and there is no sense in denying the facts.

(And separately), but ‘Man’ is not to (primarily) driving it.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

“Campus Response Teams’

Mr. Fitzgerald, [UM Public Affairs & Internal Communications]

As I read a news post which includes some of your thoughts as they relate to Campus Response Teams … at University of Michigan.

[Your statement]:  “the settlement makes it ‘abundantly clear’ the lawsuit was unnecessary. …Vigorous debate on all sides of an issue has been a hallmark of this campus before and during the lawsuit. We have confidence that true diversity of thought will continue to flourish on our campus.”

I adamantly disagree.  The inception, and even the existence of such ‘teams’ (and the policies which supported the formation of, and then instituted, such teamsnecessitated the suit. Without doubt.

Further, I am shocked that there are (thinking) people in academia who would support such notions!

University, for me, was an unparalleled opportunity for learning and exploring New Ideas, CHOICES; University allowed me the FREEDOM to believe/ speak/ debate openly and freely [Right-Left – Middle] which, I believe, is paramount to any secondary education process.

Mr. Macintosh was on point: “the campuses which still have Bias Response Teams “inhibit our freedom of speech.” [and worse! They work to change peoples’ behavior through distasteful, intrusive policies and intimidation. “[comment]” Added my this writer, JL]

Attempts to ‘shut down’ reasonable speech [because one person, or a board, or a chairperson does not agree] is not American. The policies UM supported border on Totalitarianism and do not support any notion of ‘University’ that I (and countless Americans) embrace.

I’d give so much if you, and others, would simply take an honest look; Universities were not intended to produce cookie cutter graduates who all think alike – and, such an attempt is an enormous disservice to your students, the country, and the world.

You, Mr. Fitzgerald, are on the wrong side of this debate; your vision of ‘changing the world’ [in my opinion] needs reevaluating.

Yes, hate, bios through ignorance, bullying … are all bad … but your [Universities] (final?) solution … is worse than the problem.

It can NOT  be ‘our way … or the highway’ (not when it comes to University and THESE ideals.  For such notions one sided notions* – those in charge at UM are in the wrong profession.

*Such notions are fine and good for any individual, or even groups of individuals – but not for University.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

If you have not seen the piece – here is a link: https://www.foxnews.com/media/university-michigan-campus-bias-team-free-speech

Turning Little Boys Into Little Girls and Vice Versa is Child Abuse

In my own lifetime, growing up in NYC, the standard in regard to homosexuals was mostly simple [and fair, and right, and accepting, and kind, and Christian]. The majority of people were kind, or didn’t notice, or didn’t care to notice but were still civil, neighborly, kind, and reasonable.

The notion that anyone can be anything they choose as long as it does not hurt another – was alive and well. You can be anything you choose; and if ‘anything’ is ‘gay’ (?) – it was still all good … ‘

Just Don’t Try To Be Gay With Me! [Declared and exercised by ‘society’ in general – in the nicest and most loving way]….. .

And, that was the way it was, as I experienced it in the most natural way – ‘growing up’ as did everyone else around me. ‘We’ were those, we are those, who filled  in the largest part of the bell shaped curve – in America.

At the ends of the curve, of course there were extremes – hate and extreme bios on one end; and, on the other those who believed ‘well, hey, … anything goes if it feels good’.

By and large though  -it was ‘live, and let live’ – paired with – just don’t put it in my face – and, especially, don’t try to have me try it; and more especially, don’t try to convince my kids that it’s ok to try… .

And, then, something nefarious took hold in this country [and around the world]. Billions of dollars and uncountable resources and efforts were being poured into changing the landscape and driving people who began fighting a true guerilla war (and) working to make homosexuality mainstreamand, nobody better get in the way.

The movement was/is so well funded – it got politicians elected and ‘unelected’. It has well funded small groups everywhere challenging landlords, employers, local governments, schools, colleges, in court challenges and battles across the land.

And, they kept winning because of the size of their war chest and the determination of whomever was leading the efforts [and, the true fact that ‘we’ (mainstream, Judeo Christian, society) didn’t know we were under attack].

We were; and, an unbelievable amount of money poured into war chests to take matters to court in every community in the country* – and soon, the movement was strong enough to dare anyone to oppose their agenda of making homosexuality both accepted, welcomed, to the mainstream of American life.

*The movement, in an amazingly cunning effort, latched on to early civil rights type legislative efforts, especially federal discrimination laws – and, inserted their own members into government agencies, universities, schools, political boards, business boards, legislative bodies, etc. changing the landscape EVERYWHERE. Even especially in the classrooms of our children.


They fought tirelessly to have the behavior, the abnormal life style … fully accepted as normal, and became dominant in the shaping of societal beliefs today. [Also, see my composition about ‘Hollywood Is Selling Homosexuality as it did Tobacco and Liquor’ (down further below in the blog)].

It was a war; it is a war and we lost the battle. We didn’t even know there was a war … but surely, without doubt … there was; and is. Just look around; media, schools – would make you believe that half the population or more is gay or lesbian.

Today, their leaders are again attacking and working to make more of them, pushing the very definition of ‘freedom’ by changing innocent little children into travesties.

To be clear, the precious children are not travesties … I speak of what is wrought upon their lives by badly intentioned, mixed up people [at best]. That is the travesty. It’s perverse and confused. These are innocent children.

Forgive the digression, so the supporters for the changes used the legal system and notions of social justice against mainstream society … and won. They beat us down muddy and wet as they fought what was from their view – a pitched battle.

However, as I said, main stream Americans – especially their political and religious leaders – simply didn’t understand that a war had been declared.

Today, finally, some powers that be (of a different moral character) are beginning to understand and looking back – are catching up and taking in [in a cerebral and thoughtful way] what happened when no one was watching or paying attention.

It’s a bloody mess. Kids are being turned from little boys into little girls [and vice versa] – taxpayers are paying quack doctors to do ‘chemical/hormone  therapy’ – AND SURGERIES to change the bodies of little kids – by the whims of the sick parents.

I pray the SCOTUS moves to insure the protection of our children from unscrupulous, even criminal,  doctors and parents in these matters – specifically.

I urge you to talk with the men and women you will vote for. See what their beliefs are; it was not so long ago – that such [bad] parents AND the doctors would have been stopped- either in the regular accepted norms by those people working everyday in the communities or in courts and by the criminal justice system.

In a normal society, even in the neighborhoods most of us grew up living in … such people with these dark and nefarious ideals and plans to carry them out would be stopped and labeled for that they are … deranged, confused, ill (criminally) in the extremeas they attempted to force their illness on innocent children [and the world].

It simply was understood it was not ‘OK’; we didn’t need to be on our guard … and now little boys and girls are being changed with surgeries and hormones, into little girls and boys – or children with no gender at all. ‘Frankenstein’ was a horror movie – not what the neighborhood doctors and clinics were doing.

My friends, some of the political Agenda is so much more than ‘Socialism’ or Progressive, or Left,  or ‘Democratic’ [NOT*]. It’s much, much, worse.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

(*Read ‘I’m a Kennedy, King, Kennedy Democrat’ also below about the change (hijack) of the Democratic Party).


An Idea Which is both Brilliant … and … Asinine – at the same time!

Scientists and designers are proposing radical ways to ‘refreeze’ the Arctic

An Idea Which is both Brilliant … and … Asinine – at the same time!

Scientists and designers are proposing radical ways to ‘refreeze’ the Arctic

The thinking of those who came up with such ideas is commendable … however, the process of our poles warming is a fully NATURAL process. The Earth IS warming … and man IS contributing to an extent … however Man is NOT ‘Causing’ the change! It is part of a cycle that will continue for millions and millions of more years. Whether caused by some mindful act of God [Creator] or some astronomical ‘accident’ of another ‘heavenly’ body colliding with the earth … no one knows [to our satisfaction with proof] … but the planet quickly cooled from the event … AND OVER UNCOUNTED YEARS, DECADES, CENTURIES … IT IS WARMING. And, it will continue to warm.

Can the natural course be changed?

Perhaps … but we need much more information and understanding … even ‘Godlike’ insight into the nature of our physical world and how to impose upon it – change which is currently beyond our understanding as a [human] race.

The technical vision, the remarkable thinking process, – both – pale in light of the amazing lack of insight!

The ice IS going to [continue to] melt. Populations in low lying areas and coastal areas will need relocation in decades to come – even if we slow the warming (man’s activity does contribute to the timing) ..  Wisdomeven wisdom as frail and shallow as my own … is clear:

Prepare for it (it is going to keep melting).

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Here is the story from CNN that prompted my remarks:

Scientists and designers are proposing radical ways to ‘refreeze’ the Arctic

Written by Oscar Holland, CNN


f planting more trees can replenish forests and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, then could we also repopulate the Arctic with ice?

That’s a question posed by a team of Indonesian designers with an eye-catching response to the climate crisis: iceberg-making submarines.

The idea, recently named runner-up in an international design competition appealing for radical approaches to sustainability, is the latest in a series of new proposals for "refreezing" the Earth’s poles — from sprinkling them with artificial sand to blasting seawater into the sky to brighten the clouds.

Staten Island seawall: Designing for climate change

Staten Island seawall: Designing for climate change


Led by 29-year-old architect Faris Rajak Kotahatuhaha, the group envisaged a submersible vessel capable of producing 16-foot-thick, 82-foot wide hexagonal icebergs.

The process would begin with the submarine dipping beneath the surface to fill its central cavity with seawater. Salt would then be filtered out, raising water’s freezing point by more than 3 degrees Fahrenheit, after which a hatch closes over the chamber to protect it from the sun.

The proposed vessel would be large enough to host research and leusire facilities.

The proposed vessel would be large enough to host research and leusire facilities. Credit: Faris Rajak Kotahatuhaha

An iceberg would then form naturally inside, before being ejected a month later. According to the team behind the project, the hexagonal shape may encourage the icebergs (or "ice babies" as Kotahatuhaha refers to them) to interlock with one another and form larger frozen masses.

It’s an early concept design, and many questions remain. The designers are yet to finalize how the vehicle would be powered, though they intend for the vessel to be fully sustainable. But could the submarines, in theory, work?

Striking photos show a decade of environmental decline along the Ganges

Striking photos show a decade of environmental decline along the Ganges


Andrew Shepherd, a professor of Earth observation at the UK’s Leeds University, described the idea as an "interesting engineering solution," though he questioned the project’s scalability. He estimated that replacing polar ice at the same rate it has disappeared in the last four decades would require around 10 million submarines.

"That’s a lot of machines," Shepherd said in an email. "For context, that’s not far off the total number of Model-T Fords built in all time."

The proposed submersible would be capable of producing 16-foot-thick, 82-foot wide hexagonal icebergs.

The proposed submersible would be capable of producing 16-foot-thick, 82-foot wide hexagonal icebergs. Credit: Faris Rajak Kotahatuhaha

But for Kotahatuhaha, the proposal is not only about feasibility — it’s about finding a different way to approach climate challenges.

"The Arctic has lost ice from year to year in the last decade," he said on the phone from Jakarta. "So we tried to solve the problem through a different way of thinking.

8 ways architects and artists are fighting climate change

8 ways architects and artists are fighting climate change


"Richer countries have millions to spend on (sea walls and) protection, but what about poor countries with no budget for (defending against) rising sea levels? This is a problem the world now faces together. We have a different approach: Rather than defending against sea level rises, we think it’s better (to carry out) some kind of intervention to tackle the problem."

Protecting the poles

A possible flaw in the proposal — and others like it — is that making ice does not significantly alter sea levels. If the ice is still floating in the water it formed from, then sea’s overall mass doesn’t change. (The icebergs would have to be "moved on to land" if they were to lower sea levels, Shepherd said).

But reversing, or at least slowing, the alarming decline of polar sea ice is about more than rising oceans. Snow and ice reflect significantly more sunlight than open water does, so bigger, frozen surfaces mean more radiation is sent back to space.

"If enough (ice) is made, then it could ultimately alter the planet’s temperature, which could in turn lead to reduced land ice melting and reduced sea level rise from that source," Shepherd said, offering an alternative advantage to making icebergs. "But there are lots of ‘ifs’ along the way."

The scientists’ research suggested that using 10 million of the devices could add a meter (3.2 feet) onto the surface of a polar ice sheet over the course of a winter.

Other proposals have focused on protecting ice rather than creating it.

Climate change may lead to a rise in floating architecture

Climate change may lead to a rise in floating architecture


Since 1990, British physicist John Lanham has explored a technique known as marine cloud brightening, in which particles — such as the salt in seawater — are injected into clouds to increase the amount of sunlight they reflect. Together with Stephen Salter, a professor of engineering design at the University of Edinburgh, Lanham developed a concept design for a floating "spray vessel" which could fire seawater into the clouds via a series of masts.

Brighter clouds could mean that less sunlight reaching the Earth’s surface, thus reducing summer melting and encouraging the replenishment of ice during the winter.

Elsewhere, the US non-profit group Ice911 has spent the last decade developing a highly reflective sand-like material that can be scattered on ice to protect it from the sun’s rays.

Last year, the group tested its "hollow microspheres," which are made from silicate glass, over 15,000 square meters (3.7 acres) of frozen lake in Alaska. Researchers found that treated ice was thicker and more reflective than untreated ice.

Non-profit group Ice911 has developed a highly reflective sand-like material that can be scattered on ice to reflect more of the sun's rays back to space.

Non-profit group Ice911 has developed a highly reflective sand-like material that can be scattered on ice to reflect more of the sun’s rays back to space. Credit: Ice911/Alexander Sholtz

Detractors say that plans to refreeze the Arctic address the symptom, not the cause. Indeed, even if proposals did prove feasible, none would combat the carbon consumption responsible for diminishing sea ice in the first place.

As Julienne Stroeve, a professor at University College London and senior scientist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center, told CNN when the Arizona State University’s team first proposed its wind-powered pump concept: "Global warming in response to rising CO2 concentrations would continue despite efforts to grow ice in the Arctic. Thus, the excess heat at lower latitudes would still be transported towards the Arctic via atmospheric and oceanic circulation and this would counter efforts to grow ice in the Arctic."

How design of cities must change to withstand 'category 6' mega storms

How design of cities must change to withstand ‘category 6’ mega storms


But for Kotahatuhaha and his team, big problems require bold innovation. While he accepts that his iceberg-making submarines are a "utopian project," he wants experts from different fields to help build radical visions into viable solutions.

"Architects cannot build skyscrapers alone," he offered as an analogy. "(They) need collaboration from civil engineers, electrical engineers, economists and others.

"If there are too many limitations, there will be no innovation," he added. "Innovation is the first step to opening (our) way of thinking, then technology and research regarding … feasibility must be deepened."