“Go To Hell”

From time to time, you may read the words ‘Go To Hell‘ in my written pieces.

I want to take a minute to define the term As I Use It:

Hell: A place, or state of being, where God places a man or woman to fully experience in heart and soul what they have wrought and delivered unto others! It is a place where souls must contend with others – JUST LIKE THEY WERE ON EARTH! Further. My working definition is similar to a Catholic notion ‘purgatory’; … in my notion of ‘Hell’ the consequence of torment … is temporary; it becomes a tool for teaching.

So, not only do I define my term for the reader, when I pray to God I ask He understand too: When I use the words ‘Go To Hell’ – that is what I mean.

Many in this upside down world need to Go To Hell – at least for a while.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

I know earth does feel, or seem, like Hell – for far too many people. It is not; and, I pray that you, who feel that, find your way – find your refuge, in God. [jl/Editor]


This must go in front of the Supreme Court of The United Starts of America – Transgender Children

More on ‘Transgender’

Where I come from [America!] it is indisputable that causing, helping, allowing, encouraging – in any shape, form, or manner, a child – in some cases under twelve [12][!] years old – to change their physical and psychological gender…is not only despicable … it is child abuse and illegal.

No matter how you frame it, or define it, or spin it … – it is child abuse! And, if it is not … then the Law(s) needs to catch up to the perversions in today’s society.

It is also, I suggest, Malpractice for any Doctor, Therapist, Counselor, or Surgeon to do the same!

It is irrelevant but I wonder how much the State and Federal Governments are contributing in terms of medical cost coverage?

I don’t know the law – but it MUST be illegal; it MUST be against the law – but somehow, it is not being characterized or recognized as such by those we trust to safeguard our society.

WE fell asleep, got distracted, became smug … I don’t know … but we let this crap slip in through the front door … one step at a time …. now, a story as the one that prompted me to write this – does not even cause a second thought or raised eyebrow. It is deplorable – in the correct use of the word.

There is no doubt that a child who ‘chooses’ this is being influencedabusively. How can we allow any ‘parent’ or guardian to perpetrate such a vile, heinous, act?

I don’t know how to frame it ‘legally’ – I don’t know what law it violates as far as the penal codes – and I don’t know how to present it in a manner that might cause someone to take official notice and effect an arrest or at the very least – begin working to put a stop to such procedures and acts. Someone needs take it to a judge for God’s sake and get in injunction – a ‘moratorium’ across the board…something…. lives are being irreversibly damaged. This must go in front of the Supreme Court of The United Starts of America.

Finally, I am not a bigot or hater. I am not an activist on any side or perspective … but this kind of insidious, creeping, change – that ultimately effects all of us … is sick, wrong … surely illegal; and if it’s not … it ought to be – would be – if our forefathers had foreseen the sickness in today’s Republic.

I just deleted pages of examples that are so absurd to read them almost suggests they are parodies; they were not. I urge you to search some answers and examples…

Kindergarten Kid sent to principal’s office for saying ‘he’ instead of ‘she’ when HE was a SHE last year!

Teacher in Kindergarten does a special class around a Gender Change Reveal of a studen/classmate.

Etc. Etc.     Etc. Etc.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Transgendered Children

Subject: Transgendered Children

Transgendered Six Year Olds – Revisited  [July 31, 2019]


As many of you, over the last few years, I’ve heard, more and more, the word ‘transgender’ and similar terms with growing interest. Media seemed to want me to believe there were millions in every city, every town, every village, college, high schooland suddenly … in kindergartens.

I’ve learned there seems to be more and more young adults claiming such status. OK by me – it’s a free Country…but how in the world can this be true when it comes to Children?

When it came to Children I just had to scratch my head.

Mom fights for 5-year-old’s bathroom rights [of transgender child] http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/13/opinions/trump-true-views-on-lgbtq-rights-holbrook-opinion/index.html#

Understand, really, I am not a homophobe, nor hateful of, or toward, any good person… on the other hand, I do not believe our moral codes, our moral characters, our laws, our consciousness … are ‘situational’ positions; I don’t believe that we ought to change our moral foundations to suit ‘the times‘.

So, I asked myself…

How can this be possible? And, I know this sets me up to be called hateful, bad, crazy, etc. etc. … but, even so:

How can a five year old [any child] be in the process of ‘transgender’? Medical and/or Psychological?!!

[…in the care of ‘doctors’?!]

Now, understand this is not an accusation in the particular – but an observation in the general:

*This is Child Abuse!

*Again, perhaps not this particular case-I am not privy to details-maybe there were physiological birth anomalies that demanded a decision(?)

Even so, as the writer or that article cited studies of how this, and that "‘impacts’ such transitions" and I was immediately prompted in my mind to ask …well...

HOW MANY CASES ARE THERE? And, perhaps most importantly: Why? Why are there ANY?


Hmmm. What’s that again? Transgendered Children?

Look,  where/when I grew up – which was not that long ago – or that far away – it was, is, a crime for a Parent to bring a child to an MD, Surgeon, or Psychiatrist – and declare [or have one of the ‘doctors’ proclaim or declare] that the child is really the opposite gender – trapped in the wrong sexed body… AND we must ‘help’ it with therapy, drugs, and surgery.


No Doubt.

AND IF– any, or all, of these adults acted on this absurdity – people would have been tried and convicted of child abuse – pure and simple…and go to jail.

So, how are there thousands of these poor children being horribly abused and confused by the parents, adults, professionals in their lives?

How many are there? Whose paying for this kind of care? Who is delivering it?

Really, what Doctors are doing this to kids? And, why are they getting away with it? I don’t know how, but someone, some way,  needs to get a case in front of the Supreme Court of The United States of America … and stop this practice.

Sigh, I am 63 years old. I get how out of touch those few questions paint me … but, I’m not the idiot some would suggest. These things make me feel sick – and I know in my heart that to perpetrate these things upon children … is wrong; it is a sin, and I believe very strongly – IT IS AGAINST THE LAW.

Not to demean those struggling, nor minimize the pain of the people caught in the challenges of such feelings and choices – I love them the same as I love myself… never the less … it is wrong.

That said, I can’t help to go on to say that /this IS a plot a very sinister plot; and I don’t care if it turns out that I’m the one that seems crazy.

[Wow.] How can it be true that such a small percent of differently thinking people, who are hell bent on changing the very country we live in…to suit themselves – got, and are getting, away with it?

How did they get to the point where the tail is wagging the dog …?

How did that work?

[I can tell you, drop me a note – I have a composition and will post a copy as soon as I find and review it.]

I digress. Complex subject for any format…

Let me just point out that I’m just saying some tricksters, and persons with different ideas than 90% of the people, persons with very powerful personal interests and agendas … have used our desire to be fair to all – and use it against us… [Discrimination Laws].

How can we allow adults to change the sex of children? Any adults? Any Children? [Beyond birth defects or anomalies?]

And, again, if an adult wants to have a gender change – that’s their business.. God Bless them…  but leave the children alone.

We need laws.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .


Send All Comments to The Editor of UticaLive.com – and I’m Just Sayin’ … . Your Ability to Post in real time is in the works – if you have some experience with such practices – your input is welcome. jerry@UticaLive.com


Climate Change – How foolish it is to debate it!

Climate Change

All one has to do is look out over the heavens and the earths’ place in it to see that the universe is a system of cycles, and if we then look to the earth, we can see that it too – is a system – a planet – of cycles.

Climate Change is NATURAL! The ice IS going to continue melting – it has been melting for millennia and it is not going to stop no matter what we humans do.

We can lessen air pollution (and should), we can lessen water pollution (and should), we can take better care of our earth (and should) – but the earth is going to change. Waters will rise and weather patterns will change.

How foolish it is to debate it!

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

People – Courageous People – Are Finally Saying Truth – We Must Help Struggling Neighborhoods in Our Cities

I love the courage that has brought this debate to be!

Fox News contributor and Fox Nation host Lawrence Jones said Tuesday that Baltimore’s liberal policies have negatively affected the city, speaking to some of the residents there about the conditions. Lawrence Jones investigates what's really happening on the streets of Baltimore

From Fox News about this issue https://fxn.ws/2Ot7sX2

Another link [my story below] from earlier this month https://imjustsayin.live/index.php/2019/07/29/now-we-know-how-shooting-games-affect-developing-young-men/

And you know what? This is NOT Racism. It is, in fact, the opposite and it demonstrates genuine love (if we excise the politics).

I’m Just Saying’ … .

People Are Often Unreasonable

People are often unreasonable, irrational and self-centered.
Forgive them, anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives.
Be kind, anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends
and some genuine enemies.
Succeed, anyway.

If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you.
Be honest and sincere, anyway.

What you spend years creating others could destroy overnight.
Create anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous.
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, will often be forgotten.
Do good anyway.

Give the best you have, and it may never be enough.
Give your best, anyway.

In the final analysis, it is between you and God.

It was never between you and them, anyway.

THIS CAN HAPPEN TO YOUR CHILD or YOU Man rescues boy, 6, from dog attack in Texas

This is a topic I have written about for years and sadly, it is getting worse because ignorant, [and often too] dangerous, people want them as either pets or weapons.

I urge you to watch this video – even if you don’t read the post: https://fxn.ws/2OiExEM

There are breeds of dogs that simply are not safe around other pets, children, or people… no matter the size or age of the people. These dogs are often raised with a standard training regimen to increase their strength to beyond many times a man.

Thank God this one was not ‘mean’ … just an instinctively, domineering, and dangerous beast. Again, thank God. Often people, out of ignorance believe the hyped narrative ‘it’s not the breed of the dog’ ‘it is determined by the training, love, raising of the dog… .


These dogs give true reason for the argument of carrying a hand gun; this little boy was fortunate beyond explanation – and I am so grateful and appreciative for the older, young man who ran to his rescue! A hero for sure! [It could have easily gone another way].

I urge anyone who will listen – stay away from these dogs. Don’t buy them, don’t adopt them. They are not pets! They are innately dangerous!

Now, please understand there is, and always will be, ‘exceptions’. Not every dog of these breeds … is a killer; however, the odds are against you if you try to determine one from the other; … and it could [has] cost a life trying to figure it out.

I am a believer in freedoms to choose – but in this case, we need a law. We do not need these animals in our neighborhoods.

I’m just sayin’ . …

Here is a link to an earlier story from June https://imjustsayin.live/index.php/2019/06/04/iowa-father-hailed-a-hero-after-he-dies-while-saving-daughter-5-from-dog-attack/

Here is the piece that prompted this latest post from Fox News: A 19-year-old man was caught on surveillance video running to save a 6-year-old who was being attacked by a dog in Texas on Sunday. https://fxn.ws/2OiExEM

The U.S. Needs A Long Term Geographical Relocation Effort

The U.S. Needs A Long Term Geographical Relocation Effort

Look, ‘Climate Change’ is real and it is inevitable. It has little to do with our human activity; it is a global phenomena and it has been moving in the same direction for many centuries.

Therefore, places where people and communities exist today – cannot exist there tomorrow [within a generation]; it is simple fact, and we must begin planning for it.

People are going to necessarily need to move from ‘low lying’ areas – from geographical ‘basins’… those who live on lands with natural topographical features that will flood from either heavy rains or rising seas…. must move to areas of higher ground – probably within a few decades.

It must be done.

I’m just sayin’ … .

A Wink and a Nod from FISA?

This Took My Breath Away

As I read a small paragraph in a rather predictable political story [albeit incredibly important beyond it’s simply political implications] … ‘Oh My’ was what I quietly whispered to myself. Actually, about 3 times. It felt like a physical blow.

The Headline is:

Any interference in Russia probe is something public has ‘right to know about’: GOP lawmaker


The Link to the story is:   https://www.foxnews.com/politics/mueller-russia-investigation-political-interference-barr-declassify-steube

Or copy and paste: www.foxnews.com/politics/mueller-russia-investigation-political-interference-barr-declassify-steube

Finally, the paragraph itself:

"I think that every American would initially have some grave concerns of a court that is operating completely in secret," Steube claimed. "Given all the information and facts, if the information that was represented to the FISA court — if they knew this was campaign fodder or promulgated and still decided to issue a warrant, that would bring a lot of things to questions."

For two years …. we [I] people –  following the unbelievable power struggle over control of this country – had some limits to how upside things had become in the last decade. Even so, we learned that some very high ranking and powerful people had their ‘thumbs on the scale’.

We now know there were unimaginable improprieties and unlawful – unscrupulous, deceitful, behavior – from powerful leaders in (Leading!) Government entities {FBI, CIA, DOJ, MORE}. National Institutions we all hoped and prayed [and believed!] were fair and balanced – without political bend.

Today we know there was indeed, more than thumbs on scales as the most powerful agencies in the world were weaponized to do the political bidding of one party over another.

Further, we know there was a coup de tat (attempt); without doubt.

In this coup, we learned about FISA courts; and most of us – right up until very, very recently – believed those rogue government [Leaders] officials had hoodwinked, fooled, misrepresented evidence (to FISA judge(s)  which they produced in support of warrants to spy on political candidates and their teams.

That is all disgusting, despicable, behavior. Leaders of our FBI swearing before those judges facts that weren’t facts.

AT least that’s what we [so many] believed; and, wanted to believe. No one ever once, at least publically, suggested that the FISA court judges themselves were a party to the behavior – with a sort of wink and nod … which then, it follows, these secret courts became a defacto ‘ partner(s) in the coup attempt’.

I know very little about FISA courts and judges; I don’t know who appoints judges or who has oversight of them, …  how long their terms are, or who is fundamentally in charge … however, as noted in the paragraph – they ARE Secret! SECRET COURTS. And, if they were weaponized, politicalizedwe have a major issue to examine in the light of day … and fix. I seek no criminal action, and yet, I can’t bring myself to suggest those responsible not be held accountable. I agree with President Trump on this one – it sure seems treasonous.


God Blessed America. God also blessed other nations and peoples throughout scripture; some also suffered greatly when they turned away.

I’m just sayin’ … .

Iran and Japan

I can’t publish this …. (I wrote on June 7th; then, continuing events and opinions – including similar opinions came to the public square. I updated a few sentences and decided to post this). jl


I have no love for Iran as an enemy of the U.S. It hates us – for a list of reasons … heartfelt, hate [at least the leadership and majority of what is presented as ‘public opinion’ there].

I am a patriot. I love my Country and my Freedoms.

All that said, what I see is a country (U.S.) [who happens to be wise in this instance] finally standing up to a dangerous adversary – who is trying to achieve the means – to do Evil in the world… [and especially to Israel and the U.S.]. We can’t let them have nuclear means to do such harm … to either.

So, it does seem to me that we have them in an effectively softened position – they are isolated, their population is suffering [I pray for them and hope they understand the dynamics].

Iran’s leadership must soften their position on obtaining nuclear weapons or see full, internal collapse … The U.S., and its allies, are standing with a foot on their collective throat … daring them – to try and move to loosen our grasp!

Some say we did the very same to Japan – which resulted [we all know] in Pearl Harbor.

Iran blowing holes in those ships was a sign of sheer desperation – and the downing of the drone even more so; I am not saying the U.S. is ‘wrong’ – only long term History will decide that … I am just sayin’ … that history repeats [those wiser than I suggest].

We [may be] forcing them to a clear act that invokes war – and it will ‘seem’ as if they provoked it … and yet, I am able to clearly recognize and say,  – that although it may be truly wise to force negotiation… if that is indeed the aim; however, if it is the US provoking an action that will allow military action – well, that is an entirely different ball of wax.

This is not to say military action is not necessary if Iran’s leaders continue to seek progression toward having nuclear weapons – it is just my desire to recognize a spade … as a spade. I don’t know if President Trump called off the strike to demonstrate his restraint in preparation for an all out attack – or if he genuinely is purely trying to force Iran to the negotiating table (?).

I don’t know who is right … and I have reasons to believe the powers that be in Iran … have Evil intentions in their priorities … I just have to remind myself that such truth does not exclude the possibility that our motives can also be less then Righteous, as well.

I’m just sayin’ … .


Reproductive Rights? Why not say the truth and use the real words …ABORTI0N! Abortion! abortion …

Protect Reproductive Rights?

Why not say the truth and use the real words ABORTI0N! Abortion! abortion …


Kirsten Gillibrand


Repealing the Hyde Amendment is critical so that low-income women in particular can have access to the reproductive care they need and deserve.

Reproductive rights are human rights
, period. They should be nonnegotiable for all Democrats.


12:34 PM – Jun 5, 2019



I’m just sayin’ … .

Iowa father hailed a hero after he dies while saving daughter, 5, from dog attack

An Iowa man died over the weekend after police say he was fatally injured while saving the life of his 5-year-old daughter who had been mauled by a dog.

This makes me so sad … and frustrated, and angry. My heart is heavy and I pray comfort and blessings upon those who lived … and my God welcome and hold close – the man – the father and husband … that was killed.

I have written many times of the subject of killer dogs … literal deadly weapons when raised by so many people for so many wrong reasons. Personally, I believe the breeds in question – ought to be illegal. This is one kind of animal that man made common – that we can do without!

Killers* they are … born and bred to be.

*Not every single one, not all; I understand, and know for sure – there are exceptions!

Never the less, the breeds are prone … pre-determined genetically – to behave in very dangerous, very inhumane ways – particularly with an ‘eye’ toward small dogs, children, and even big strong adults when such situation presents.

A man [or woman] without a gun or weapon – and the determination to use it – will be killed if such a dog attacks. No doubt.

The breed(s) need to be outlawed.


I’m just sayin’ … .

The story today that prompted my remarks?


BACK IT UP! /Cybersecurity experts warn Baltimore to stop ‘playing’ with ransomware attacks

Sometimes, even the most capable person, or group of persons, struggles to see obvious flaws in their plans or strategies – bright and able people are overcome by costs and bottom lines; good, smart folks are forces to make hard choices – and, one result steers them to save a penny – without understanding the larger risk – which is so, so, much more.

I am an amateur with some good experiences that followed bad experiences. Who among us has not lost some data at one time or another … letters, emails, images …phonebook data …?

I learned, if it’s important informationBACK IT UP!

Millions of businesses, government enterprises, corporations … and even simple guys like me … do it; and do it often. Even small enterprises – whom do ‘business’ with the NYS Government .. like OMH and their accredited enterprises – even small ones – they were backing up – EVERY DAY – at the end of each day … ALL FILES and DATA … and, you know what – that was in 1987! FULL DAILY BACKUPS. [This writer is retired].

So, I can’t imagine what kind of training these government officials have, or are required to have, … but to back up your data is basic Survival 101.

Why aren’t the Cities files simply backed up? It’s a one click task! Today there are seamless back up services – and there is a wide range of options … each enabling the person or entity to fully restore their data. Fully Restore.

Haven’t they heard of heard of ‘Carbonite’? … and many similar options; doubly fast and easy today with Cloud Computing and Storage.

Oh, one more thing – the perpetrators, the lowly, thieving, unscrupulous persons responsible? For sure, they are the bad guys here – no doubt; we need law to catch up and provide genuine consequences for these corrupt enterprises but, gee, …I can’t help asking myself aloud … all those smart people in that local government and its municipalities … and not one thought MAYBE we ought to spend a penny to save ALL THE DATA OF THE CITY ….?

This is the take away here: Systems are going to be hacked – we are all at risk; if anyone – or any entity – gets ‘targeted’ – little will keep a sophisticated hacker out … so the answer is to have the data backed up.

So, back it up!

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Here is the Baltimore Story that prompted my thoughts:

Cybersecurity experts say Baltimore is playing with fire as a deadline to pay thousands of dollars in ransom to hackers holding several of the city’s servers hostage has come and gone.  https://fxn.ws/2HJtJJD

Google Revisited – AI is learning; and, its learning so much faster than you!

Google Revisited

appeargone.gifAI is learning; and, its learning so much faster than you!

Friends, (and too, those who view me as ‘enemy’):

If people of the country, and people of the free world, do not begin to take hard and fast actions … all of us … every single one … will find they are HOSTAGE to the holder of data – data on them, their lives, their family, their likes, their dislikes, where they go, how often, how they get there, who goes with them, are they tall, short, skinny, overweight, what age, color … what medicines to they take, how often, how often do they visit their doctor, who is their doctor, what DON’T they like, who don’t they like, how much time to they spend on computers, devices, who do they communicate with, how often, where do they bank, buy their groceries, what kind of groceries, what is their income, how much to they spend … on a,b,c, etc. IF you look into your account you will see I am not exagerating… I listed only a small percent of the data collected.

There was a time, not so long ago, where many understood that companies, computer programs, ‘AI’ was collecting and archiving all this data … but no one believed anyone … or anything … could organize, collate, categorize it all into a useable, searchable, database. Nothing to fear … no one can possible go through that data and make use of it…

[But] now they can. At rocket speed – that fact – what used to be true – has changed…Please, I urge you to simply THINK about it for a minute.


[… I have no pretense – I have no readership, no group that reads my writings] Chances are  –  MAYBE a handful of folks will read this …and, sadly, not even one is likely to change their behavior or invest the time to see if I am correct … most will not even look to see what I saw … [and they can! Our Congress made sure of it …]. Log in to Google … and go to Privacy Settings … [give it 20 minutes just to begin to see the SCOPE of what they have … on you … and on EVERYONE.

Friends, this is not about ‘I have nothing to hide’ as most everyone one of you can say fairly … but this is so much deeper than that … please review the second part of my first paragraph – and add other information and activity that I left out for times’ sake. Another thousand categories can easily be added. Easily.

And, yet, even the lawmakers – even our leaders in Congress and Government do not have the time to oversee, or to even look closely at, these things …until they are in a corner trying to understand some Emergency.

I declare it is an emergency!

And, most will chuckle … ‘there goes another lunatic … running around shouting -the sky is falling!

Well, it is.

Friends, fellow citizens of the world: The Sky Is Falling!

AI is learning so much faster than you!

Frankly, it has already surpassed most of us in its abilities to find, collect, [and finally, it has matured to] USE that data it collectsfor the desires of its Masters [for now, Google].

The Sky Is Falling.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

King, Kennedy, and Kennedy Democrats

I am a Kennedy, King, Kennedy Democrat; a breed like no other … which is not the Democratic Party of Today!                                                 

                           (1 of 2)

I am not an experienced political person. A decade ago, I did not understand the basic differences between the Democratic and Republican perspectives and ideologies beyond the intellectual concepts I’d absorbed as a child [nothing as a teen or young adult]. I knew what I learned as a kid growing up in NYC: Democrats were for the poor; that always seemed pretty good to me, and I believed it…so, many years later when I registered to vote … I proudly registered as a Democrat.

I honestly do not remember who I voted for the first time or why; and, I never paused long enough to think about it. I liked people for who they were, their values, their personalities – I chose by what I felt in my heart after making personal observations… not Left or Right … Conservative, Liberal, or Moderate [what’s that in 2018?].

40 years later, I have paused to take a closer look:  Why was/ am I a registered Democrat and why have I stayed that way my entire adult life?

A recent documentary – Bobby Kennedy for President – quickly reminded me why I chose Democrat: I am a Kennedy, King, Kennedy Democrat; a breed like no other!

My choice of Party was sealed in those years of the 1960’s – Alabama, Mississippi, Civil Rights, … Segregation, Racism, Vietnam,  … these were the definitive issues of the times [and Woodstock; when I make a ‘V’ with my fingers – it is NOT for ‘Victory’…it is a Peace sign].

I remember, so personally, so vividly – all of it… the rioting in the streets, the school buses being turned over – Police, National Guard, in full riot gear as we [as a Generation] stood fast – both for Civil Rights and to end the Vietnam war.

Suddenly, it seemed, one after the other – shots rang out – Kennedy, King, and Kennedy … all ripped from the arms of this Nation. These events shaped many of us – even galvanized us – and then, – as we mourned – the party abandoned us.

So, I never really was ‘a Democrat’ by today’s terms; no, I was a Kennedy and King Democrat.

Unlike today where we have what we have – Clintons, Trump, Bush’s/ CNN and Fox News. Sheesh.

I began this note after reflecting on a hope and prayer regarding the new Trump Administration- that we might see the same kind of demand for growth in the human condition in today’s America – the America of our Founding Fathers – the America of Kennedy, King … . I remember praying that President Trump meant what he said about fixing *’that’ problem.

*’that’ problem being the loss of too many generations of African American families; that problem being our cities that are slums and poverty ridden – which has become [by our own hand] generational. WE, as a Nation, need to fix it; forget this blaming the victim – there is enough blame to go around. I’d hoped [I prayed] God might use our current President – President Trump to begin the necessary work.

(2 of 2)

To finish this up: Much later in life, I recognize that the powers that be are providing me [and the country] with essentially just two choices – ‘Conservative’ or ‘Liberal’ .. ‘Moderate’ or ‘Progressive’ …’Left’ or ‘Right’.

I need to warn the reader here – I am prejudiced in this opinion~

You see, I believe in the Divinity in the founding of this Nation. Under God. And by ‘God’, I mean God of the Old and New Testament. The God of Abraham – the very one the Muslims, Jews, and Christians pray to… .

So, when one side seems to want to erase that God from this country and from the minds of our citizens, when one (or a government) wants to encourage the taking of lives from mother’s wombs, when one says: youth, sexuality, power and dollars are the most important parts of this mortal life, when they ‘set up’ [to fall] good cultures and our collective American society – when those dark powers that be plan and work to break down the very basic and precious fabric of society – The Family …that is where I get/got off the bus.

In my heart, I have only one choice. And, the sad part is that there are so many good and right things about the Democratic Party that I knew… but those values, that core … no longer exists. Crazy people got into positions of power across the country [over a few decades] and high-jacked that Party and the hearts of so many good people.

Yup, I am a Kennedy, King, and Kennedy Democrat – a breed that seems extinct [or hibernating] -which is NOT the Democratic Party today – so I am no longer, really, a member of that party; for me, that great party died with those great men.

I’m just sayin’ … .

Coming SoonWhy my vote for President Trump will help me get back my country – even if President Trump’s agenda has its own pitfalls and centers close [also] towards ‘self’ and a desire for wealth and power.

Thanks for stopping by …

Thanks for stopping by ….appeargone.gif

I have been out sick for a few uncomfortable weeks – and I apologize in that I mostly write from my heart and, at times, that necessitates my being relatively healthy … . When I’m sick [almost 3 weeks of fever] – I choose to take a step back.

Your understanding is appreciated … very much,


I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Oh, by the way – the appearance of Google CEO Pichai – seems to have CLEARLY brought a fast positive result to YouTube Searches. I am actually amazed at the remarkable change … overnight.

Thanks all the representatives that stood to speak the truth … and please … PLEASE, do Not take this as a win … this is only the tip of the ‘iceberg’ … and I believe most of our reps [Senators on that committee] know this to be true.

They [Google] are more powerful and prevalent in the US, and The World – THAN THE US GOVERNMENT! [because they have no oversightand, because they caught us asleep at the wheel].

George Orwell was not even close in his insightful ‘1984’ when he imagined the worst case scenario for today in 2018. Google is a genuine threat – a clear and present danger – to the sovereignty of the United States of America.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

NJ University Refuses to Bring Chick-Fil-A to Campus Over Chain’s ‘Corporate Values’

This is just one example of how ‘institutions’ [governments, schools, universities …] have become overrun [ensconced] by people with liberal agenda’s and by liberal (in this piece) – I mean anti religion …i.e. people – this university’s powers that be – [New Jersey’s Rider University] –  who reject other peoples’ positions which are a fruit of their religion… of their faith in God… be that religion Christian, Muslim, or Jewish… or some combination thereof… they seem to reject religious beliefs as irrelevant, and/or moot. Not so say many millions of faith based people – more and more as time passes. I am one.

The ‘values’ of the powers that be behind Chick-Fil-A [those I am aware of] are simply ‘Christian Values’ – and what right does any ‘university’ have to poo poo them ... None.

I enjoyed the comments from students the reporter offered in the short video clip:

Why ask the students for input if you already have an agenda and a plan that negates their suggestion(s)? [paraphrased]

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Here is a link to the short piece that prompted this post http://insider.foxnews.com/2018/11/21/rider-university-refuses-bring-chick-fil-campus-over-fast-food-chicken-chains-corporate?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share-buttons&utm_medium=email