Some Oregon school books contain pornographic imagery of sex acts

Some Oregon School District books contain topics on transgender ideology and sexually explicit materials.

An Oregon mom stopped her children from attending over what she called ‘indoctrination’

Books in at least three high schools, Milwaukie, Adrienne C. Nelson, and Clackamas contain depictions of sexual activities, including oral sex.

This is from a story on Fox news – I add it to underline my short composition about Hollywood, Media, ‘selling’ [indoctrinating] our children (including especially ‘Entertainment’, ‘News’, … all forms of media). They used to sell tobacco, alcohol, and sex – now they sell homosexuality and this transgenderism.

Home Schooling is the best path today for children if a family can achieve it.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

From Fox News –

A Cancer Trial’s Unexpected Result: Remission in Every Patient

I came across this headline and just felt it was an outstanding piece to post:

A Cancer Trial’s Unexpected Result: Remission in Every Patient…


It was a small trial, just 18 rectal cancer patients, every one of whom took the same drug.

But the results were astonishing. The cancer vanished in every single patient, undetectable by physical exam, endoscopy, PET scans or M.R.I. scans.

Dr. Luis A. Diaz Jr. of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, an author of a paper published Sunday in the New England Journal of Medicine describing the results, which were sponsored by the drug company GlaxoSmithKline, said he knew of no other study in which a treatment completely obliterated a cancer in every patient.

“I believe this is the first time this has happened in the history of cancer,” Dr. Diaz said.

Dr. Alan P. Venook, a colorectal cancer specialist at the University of California, San Francisco, who was not involved with the study, said he also thought this was a first.

A complete remission in every single patient is “unheard-of,” he said.

These rectal cancer patients had faced grueling treatments — chemotherapy, radiation and, most likely, life-altering surgery that could result in bowel, urinary and sexual dysfunction. Some would need colostomy bags.

They entered the study thinking that, when it was over, they would have to undergo those procedures because no one really expected their tumors to disappear.

But they got a surprise: No further treatment was necessary.

“There were a lot of happy tears,” said Dr. Andrea Cercek, an oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and a co-author of the paper, which was presented Sunday at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

Another surprise, Dr. Venook added, was that none of the patients had clinically significant complications.

On average, one in five patients have some sort of adverse reaction to drugs like the one the patients took, dostarlimab, known as checkpoint inhibitors. The medication was given every three weeks for six months and cost about $11,000 per dose. It unmasks cancer cells, allowing the immune system to identify and destroy them.

While most adverse reactions are easily managed, as many as 3 percent to 5 percent of patients who take checkpoint inhibitors have more severe complications that, in some cases, result in muscle weakness and difficulty swallowing and chewing. Editors’ Picks There’s a New Gerber Baby and Some Parents Are Mad Priced Out of Flying This Year? These New Low-Cost Airlines (Might) Offer a Deal ‘The Wire’ Stands Alone Continue reading the main story

The absence of significant side effects, Dr. Venook said, means “either they did not treat enough patients or, somehow, these cancers are just plain different.”

In an editorial accompanying the paper, Dr. Hanna K. Sanoff of the University of North Carolina’s Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, who was not involved in the study, called it “small but compelling.” She added, though, that it is not clear if the patients are cured.

“Very little is known about the duration of time needed to find out whether a clinical complete response to dostarlimab equates to cure,” Dr. Sanoff said in the editorial.

Dr. Kimmie Ng, a colorectal cancer expert at Harvard Medical School, said that while the results were “remarkable” and “unprecedented,” they would need to be replicated.

The inspiration for the rectal cancer study came from a clinical trial Dr. Diaz led in 2017 that Merck, the drugmaker, funded. It involved 86 people with metastatic cancer that originated in various parts of their bodies. But the cancers all shared a gene mutation that prevented cells from repairing damage to DNA. These mutations occur in 4 percent of all cancer patients.

Patients in that trial took a Merck checkpoint inhibitor, pembrolizumab, for up to two years. Tumors shrank or stabilized in about one-third to one-half of the patients, and they lived longer. Tumors vanished in 10 percent of the trial’s participants.

That led Dr. Cercek and Dr. Diaz to ask: What would happen if the drug were used much earlier in the course of disease, before the cancer had a chance to spread?

They settled on a study of patients with locally advanced rectal cancer — tumors that had spread in the rectum and sometimes to the lymph nodes but not to other organs. Dr. Cercek had noticed that chemotherapy was not helping a portion of patients who had the same mutations that affected the patients in the 2017 trial. Instead of shrinking during treatment, their rectal tumors grew.

Perhaps, Dr. Cercek and Dr. Diaz reasoned, immunotherapy with a checkpoint inhibitor would allow such patients to avoid chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. New Developments in Cancer Research Card 1 of 6

Progress in the field. In recent years, advancements in research have changed the way cancer is treated. Here are some recent updates:

Pancreatic cancer. Researchers managed to tame advanced pancreatic cancer in a woman by genetically reprogramming her T cells, a type of white blood cell of the immune system, so they can recognize and kill cancer cells. Another patient who received the same treatment did not survive.

Chemotherapy. A quiet revolution is underway in the field of cancer treatment: A growing number of patients, especially those with breast and lung cancers, are being spared the dreaded treatment in favor of other options.

Prostate cancer. An experimental treatment that relies on radioactive molecules to seek out tumor cells prolonged life in men with aggressive forms of the disease — the second-leading cause of cancer death among American men.

Leukemia. After receiving a new treatment, called CAR T cell therapy, more than a decade ago, two patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia saw the blood cancer vanish. Their cases offer hope for those with the disease, and create some new mysteries.

Esophageal cancer. Nivolumab, a drug that unleashes the immune system, was found to extend survival times in patients with the disease who took part in a large clinical trial. Esophageal cancer is the seventh most common cancer in the world.

Dr. Diaz began asking companies that made checkpoint inhibitors if they would sponsor a small trial. They turned him down, saying the trial was too risky. He and Dr. Cercek wanted to give the drug to patients who could be cured with standard treatments. What the researchers were proposing might end up allowing the cancers to grow beyond the point where they could be cured.

“It is very hard to alter the standard of care,” Dr. Diaz said. “The whole standard-of-care machinery wants to do the surgery.”

Finally, a small biotechnology firm, Tesaro, agreed to sponsor the study. Tesaro was bought by GlaxoSmithKline, and Dr. Diaz said he had to remind the larger company that they were doing the study — company executives had all but forgotten about the small trial.

Their first patient was Sascha Roth, then 38. She first noticed some rectal bleeding in 2019 but otherwise felt fine — she is a runner and helps manage a family furniture store in Bethesda, Md.

During a sigmoidoscopy, she recalled, her gastroenterologist said, “Oh no. I was not expecting this!”

The next day, the doctor called Ms. Roth. He had had the tumor biopsied. “It’s definitely cancer,” he told her.

“I completely melted down,” she said.

Soon, she was scheduled to start chemotherapy at Georgetown University, but a friend had insisted she first see Dr. Philip Paty at Memorial Sloan Kettering. Dr. Paty told her he was almost certain her cancer included the mutation that made it unlikely to respond well to chemotherapy. It turned out, though, that Ms. Roth was eligible to enter the clinical trial. If she had started chemotherapy, she would not have been.

Not expecting a complete response to dostarlimab, Ms. Roth had planned to move to New York for radiation, chemotherapy and possibly surgery after the trial ended. To preserve her fertility after the expected radiation treatment, she had her ovaries removed and put back under her ribs.

After the trial, Dr. Cercek gave her the news.

“We looked at your scans,” she said. “There is absolutely no cancer.” She did not need any further treatment.

“I told my family,” Ms. Roth said. “They didn’t believe me.”

But two years later, she still does not have a trace of cancer. Correction: June 5, 2022

Using information provided by a patient, an earlier version of this article misstated which year a participant in a drug trial was diagnosed with rectal cancer. Sascha Roth was diagnosed in 2019, not 2018.


I found this on a Reddit site – it is from a NYT Article


Pizza Hut features ‘drag kids’ book for children as young as kindergarten

I forgot!

I wrote ‘now it’s not just Hollywood but Hollywood and Media – selling Homosexuality and Transgenderism [scroll a couple stories down].

I forgot to include CORPORATIONS! They are in it too!

I’m Just Sayin’… .

Pizza Hut is promoting a book about “drag kids” as part of its summer reading program for children in pre-Kindergarten through third grade. These types of themes are being driven hard by a number of entities – including governments, school systems, supermarkets, ice cream brands – it’s an agenda driven cabal – I don’t like that word but it is what it is. A very powerful group of people – evil people – are trying to remake the world to their own liking. Personally, I find refuge in my Church. The best we can do for our children is help them develop a spiritual foundation and a testimony that God lives; help them feel His Holy Spirit in their hearts and follow the guidance. Admit and recognize with them that there is good and evil – and help them know the difference. Teach each of them that they are special and precious – each a child of God. Teach them to set themselves apart from the chaos and traps of the world.

That is my very personal two cents; my own testimony.

Here is just one example of these agenda driven, widespread, efforts in this story from Fox. [by the way – FOX, CNN – all of them are ‘agenda driven’ and biased – I just use the story lines as points of departure].

Hollywood is selling homosexuality [and ‘transgenderism’].

Hollywood is selling homosexuality [and ‘transgenderism’].


Yes, Hollywood is selling homosexuality; and this other madness called, for lack of another term – ‘transgenderism’.


I was so grateful to learn that some States are finally making it criminal for adults to do this to children. It is criminal. It is child abuse. It seems to have taken our country forever to see what is happening. I have been way out front on these issues and writing of them for well over a decade.


Some say Hollywood, in the early days, sold sex, drugs, and rock and roll. In a way, I suppose that’s true. In the early days though, remember it was *mostly alcohol and tobacco – and they were very successful at it.

*I know it was more; they influenced – maybe especially – women … beyond using alcohol and tobacco – they set the fashion standards –  high heels, lipstick, face makeup – even promiscuity [for men and women]. Hollywood set the norm for millions and millions.


They portrayed lies – and we all watched our TV’s, listened to the radios … and we were convinced, without ever thinking about it, that every one – smoked cigars, cigarettes, pipes … and drank whisky, wine and beer and ‘everyone’ had sex before marriage. 


America saw it on TV – every day – and the use of those things  increased astronomically! Kids, younger and younger, believed the lies they saw in front of their faces in movies, on TV, Magazines, and Radio.


What do you suppose happened?


Yes, of course, more kids [and more adults too!] drank alcohol, smoked cigarettes and experimented with sex at younger and younger ages. ‘Good Ole’ Madison Avenue Salesmanship – polluted the entire social landscape.


Yes, Hollywood sold sex, alcohol, and tobacco – and set the social standards that replaced our own moral judgment.


Now, it’s selling homosexuality and this evil minded transgenderism.


And, now – it’s not only Hollywood – it is Hollywood and The Media. And again, make no mistake – they are selling it and having generations of kids believe that ‘everyone’ has people who live those lives, espouse those beliefs – living next door or upstairs. We are brainwashed to believe lies are truths.


The powers that be would have us believe these and other behaviors are NORMALeveryone is like this AND YOU SHOULD BE TOO.

[I need to add for those who don’t know me that I’ve nothing against people choosing who they wish to be – but don’t push it on me, or our children, or others. Period.]


Our kids don’t know better – they’re kids … and they are being brainwashed in plain sight.


Years ago, many people of various Religions – people who believe in, and have faith in, a biblical God – turned to home schooling.


Generations of young children were taught at home and were spared the perils of public education.


Today, public schools are worse; the problem is not just a small slant on education – it is, in the true sense of the word, Indoctrination.


Generations of our children are being brainwashed.


I am grateful that parents are beginning to wake up and see the dangers – parents all over the country are taking on public school boards and teachers to stop the runaway – absolutely blatant and runaway brainwashing of our precious children.


It’s not enough.


I think it’s mostly a lost cause [trying to take back public schools]. I hope I am wrong – I received an excellent education through grade 6 of the NYC Public School System. PS 90. [Then politics caused forced busing, rioting in the streets – we lost King and Kennedy].  I think people should be able to pay their school taxes to the schools of their choice but I am not a politician.


Not every family can Home School – but if you can – it may be worth a family discussion to consider Home Schooling.


The facts are not comforting when it comes to our Public Schools. In insidious ways, agenda driven people – one individual at a time – are working very hard to change outcomes – to bend all to their narrow and twisted views as they work to change the foundation of the Country [to the detriment of us all].


Not widespread conspiracy – as some assumed – to steal an election for example – but individuals – each with the same agenda – acting ‘independently’ and yet … genuinely in concert. That’s for another discussion.


Even so, the result on the landscape of our cities and towns is the same. The end result is no different than as if this group acted together – in a conspiracy. In reality, however, they act individually – breaking the rules to achieve the collective agenda.

[And, a sizable portion of it adds up to tilting perceptions and changing the way our children think and view the world].


Flash Cards here, a Vote there, a series of children’s books, games, toys …an early morning tv show … some people here who overlook this,  some there who enforce that here but not there … . It may not be a legal conspiracy …but it is a conspiracy [of evil].


That result? The messages get to our kids (and adults as well).


Take a look at the image below and the few paragraphs.  These are what prompted this post. They are a small and simple example. The radical ideas in the headline(s) may not be in the official guidelines or charters of these schools – we may ‘technically’ … legally – have a few materials banned … but then here comes some of those individuals I referred to … and they use methods and agenda’s – as individuals but in quiet cahoots with other evil minded individuals – in examples like this:

LGBT themed cards a preschool teacher was using to teach kids colors (NC State Rep. Tim Moore)


A NC state representative said a concerned constituent emailed her about the cards that were being used to teach preschoolers colors. The State Rep – Erin Pare contacted the principal of the elementary school to verify the use of the cards in class. 


The principal located the cards in the preschool classroom and verified with the teacher that they had been used to teach colors.

When I look at that image on the left  – I don’t see ‘a pregnant man’. Men can’t be pregnant.


I don’t see a pregnant man but I don’t see (the color) ‘White’ either.  [I am an odd bird]. What of a child though? What does a child learn from these subtle cues? What is the subliminal message – and the direct message?


This is just the tip of the iceberg. People of this agenda have found their ways into the foundations of this great country. Discrimination laws made it easy – those national anti-discrimination laws changed the landscape of the country.


People of minority views – people in the very low percentages by numbers in our populations …became OVER represented in the halls of power and began [with Media] to influence … the moral standards of our Country [and even the world].

Those with these agenda’s have influence via the classrooms – from Kindergarten through the University years – plus they control opinions across all Media platforms – and they are ensconced in all forms of government.


It’s hard to believe so small a number of people hood winked an entire country. Today, the tail does wags the dog.


In a conversation with my Bishop, loosely about the speed of the rate of the decay in society, the rocket path of rising chaos in the world –  we agreed is unprecedented,


He referred to Scripture. I smiled, as did he, when the conversation took a turn … we both agreed too … that ‘we read the book‘; we know how it all comes out.


We win.


I’m Just Sayin’ … .

San Francisco archbishop bars Pelosi from receiving Holy Communion

The child in the womb is a living part of the fathers’ body too. My body … My Child … My choice – ought be the law for any father in any sane society.

I am quietly encouraged as I did [and likely many others too] – I did use time to write the Catholic Church – even the Pope – asking he “Teach The World” on this issue of abortion by barring those like President Biden who are totally upside down to say he is a good Christian and Catholic. I asked the Pope to Teach the World.

… and here, I am hopeful, is the first step [I hope for at least two].

This is the headline from Fox News …

San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone announced Friday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is barred from receiving Holy Communion due to her pro-abortion stance — marking an escalation in a decades-long tension between the Roman Catholic Church and liberal Democratic politicians on abortion. The link below goes to their story.

This will introduce my own story.

Childless my entire life because of abortion rhetoric and politics …

I suggest that ‘Logical Sounding Arguments’ of the brain ‘Right to Choose’ … My Body-My Choice – etc. etc. … each and all are false teachings – tricks of logic.

We need to move the ‘arguments’ from the Brain and Intellect – to the truths of the Heart and Soul. Many have been ‘tricked’.

I, personally, was confused just long enough to seal the fate of my unborn baby. I’ll never forgive myself. And, I will address also – that I had no say! The father has no say in the matter!

The law needs be changed in the states that will continue to provide whatever abortions the laws will sanction; fathers have rights to stop the killing of their own child too. The child, even in the womb, is a living part of the fathers’ body too. My body … My choice – is the right of any expecting father.

My own composition on abortion and the rights of the father, from my own personal experiences will soon follow.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

I am impressed to add this: Barring someone from Sacrament is a serious action in any case and, personally, I would urge that it be part of a plan to help a person get back on a path in line with the teachings of our Savior. In this case, it’s none of my business except for the fact that she is doing all this as one of the most powerful leaders in our government – and I referenced our President too – the most powerful person in our government. For me, that is an important component to my opinion.

Here’s the story link about Pelosi and Communion from Fox News

Illinois minors can get abortions without parental notification after Dem governor Pritzker signs repeal

Shame on those who had a hand in this line of lawmaking … as is stated in the article – this is the law in over 20 states! Abortions for underage girls/women … without notification [or consent] from a parent. It’s unbelievable what some push for and get away with …

Shame on them all … .

I’m Just Sayin’… .

Doctors in Illinois will no longer need to notify the parents of an underage girl 48 hours before her scheduled abortion, after Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed a repeal of the state’s law Friday. | Fox News

American Express CRT training urged staff to adopt a hierarchy, putting ‘marginalized’ above ‘privileged’

American Express launched a critical race theory training that urged employees to check their privilege and defer to employees from “marginalized groups,” essentially creating a workplace hierarchy.

This is really nuts…. I laughed out loud when I read:

In another session, consultants instructed employees to change their behavior in the office based on their relative position on the intersectional hierarchy. According to Rufo, the session included “a blue flowchart with specific rules for interacting with black, female and LGBT employees: If members of a subordinate group are present, workers should practice ‘intersectional allyship’ and defer to them before speaking.”


The problem is they aren’t kidding. And, by ‘they’ I mean a small portion of the population that is bent on changing the world and the way we think … to suit them. The tail wagging the dog. It’s nuts.

Now we must treat those who are in the minority – not equally – but as Kings and Queens [no pun intended]… we must treat them special or the powers that be will surely get you.

I’m glad I am old.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Oregon governor signs bill suspending math, reading proficiency requirements for HS graduates

Gov. Kate Brown, the Oregon Democrat, signed a bill last month with little fanfare that drops the requirement that high school students prove proficiency in reading, writing or math, before graduation, a report said

I guess I miss adding my thoughts to the mix – this is one of those times when I just wish I had a soap box and megaphone. This is insanity.

Allow graduations while suspending a requirement that students in High School have to be proficient in math, reading? You don’t have to be able to read or do simple arithmetic – and you can graduate HS?

Foundations for a Better Oregon said in a statement at the time that the bill is intended to “truly reflect what every student needs to thrive in the 21st century.” Supporters of the bill insist that considering math and reading essential skills has been an unfair challenge for students who do not test well.

WHAT? Being able to read, write, and do basic math by the time one graduates HS is an unfair challenge? For HS Students?

We used to joke about a notion that there was a desire to ‘dumb down’ America. It’s no joke to me today. Legal drugs, no reading, writing, and math, you can be a boy or a girl or both or neither … [?]. This is not politics or differences of opinion … this is Evil at work in our nation.

And then I read this and I just shook my head in exasperation: Charles Boyle, the deputy communications director from Brown’s office said -“Black, Latino, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of color.” After the first seven descriptors … why did the writer feel the need to add ‘and students of color’. What hope do these generations have for the next 60 years of their lives?

Where, and when did America decide that people who think like this ought to be allowed to run our governments and schools?

My grandparents generation [and I am a little long in the tooth myself] used to say  … the world is going to hell in a hand basket if people don’t wise up and change their ways.

My grandparents were right.

Sadly, people never did get wise and change their ways.

Enjoy the ride.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .


There is going to be a genuine divide in this country – more than political sides. Two Americas. It’s coming. I just hope it’s not by war and killing. History says that is a pretty lofty hope. I hope, like my grandparents – people wake up, get wise, and change their ways. jl

Here’s a link to the story if you want to read it –

Ohio man’s rescue of mother and son

I understand this is not an especially head turning story – it did however, get my attention and the words of the young man’s mother absolutely rang true for me – to the point that it gave me chills.

I listened to a local radio guy* the other day trash all those who say ‘God saved me’ in any manner or form – he even call some derogatory names… suggesting ‘why would God save you – you ‘blank’ [pos]! IF He was going to save anyone – why you? Why not so in so? Why not my brother …?**

*WIBX in NY – Keeler In The Morning/Bill Keeler.

**that remark allowed me to understand his anger and position. I am sorry for his loss.

The radio guy? He’s just wrong. God does act in our lives. Why and for who? I admit that is not always clear to us… and I cannot say I know the answer [I know some of it and am happy to share my thoughts on request]. I know God does act in our lives though – He has in my own. I know.

It does NOT mean I am more worthy or deserving of such mercy or grace than another;

 I know that too.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Ohio man’s rescue of mother and son

An 18-year-old Ohio man was being praised for saving a mother and her 10-year-old son at a North Carolina beach over the Fourth of July weekend – in a rescue that was caught on video. | Fox News

My friends negative regard for refugee programs

Blaming the Victims?

My friend used to talk often in a very negative regard about refugees, immigrants, … and the amounts of money and resources our governments spend, year after year, decade after decade, on that population.

Indeed, it [the government] brings in poor people and plugs them into a system – this massive, fully funded, system – that lifts them, changes their lives in the long-term.

They literally import(ed) poor people, lift(ed) them, fund(ed) them – providing each man, woman, and child their shot at the American Dream … while seemingly turning a blind eye to our poverty stricken neighborhoods and populations.

I still remember thinking he [and others] were not being reasonable. I had an argument which suggested that African Americans refuse(d) to assimilate (true, but not a cause) – and so, it was their own fault, I suggested. I blamed the victim.

The families didn’t, and do not, benefit from welfare, free food, medical, free housing, free phones … it was the wrong approach, it was the wrong answer. We (our governments) crippled generations of families.

Make no mistake, the result of slavery, civil war, welfare … is a horrid mess…and it remains an imbalance that screams for someone to finally bring change to a sad and sinful reality in our country.

The Government provides ongoing – in long term, expensive, and institutional ways – for these refugee and immigrant populations; and has, for generations.

We ‘import’ millions of people while Federal, state, or local governments never ever moved to support, educate, lift and change – in long term and permanent ways – our populations of ‘African Americans’.

I couldn’t see or understand the depth of his feelings and resentments …  as he complained that generation after generation of immigrants, refugees, … wind up with genuine new starts in America – each that American Dream!

I never understood my friend; today, I do.

I know I over simplify ..but I am not wrong.

Don’t misunderstand either, please – I don’t advocate to slow down lifting and helping those from other countries in need – but let’s help change the outcome of all these families from all those years – utilizing similar, well laid out, long-term, efforts!

All my friend, and his family and friends, was saying is … ‘Hey, what about us’?

Hey, …

I’m Just Sayin’ … .



Survived but Never Reconciled Part I

            Survived but Never Reconciled                 Part I

How has poverty replicated itself, exactly, (so precisely!) in every state of the union?

Every city in the US has an eerie similarity when it comes to [seeming] cultural divides which [seem to] over time aggregate to some distinct, predictable, common aspects within the microcosms each city represents.

Why does every city have ghetto’s or inner city areas with strikingly similar demographics? Even family demographics which go back over several generations? How does that happen?  How did it happen?

What is the common denominator which some larger sense of society or government has put into place here (?) – which somehow caused this outcome – again and again and again?

In every city in America – over, and over, and over and over, and over again; what did this? [‘welfare’] [‘welfare’ over generations].

I believe there are common denominators which have become systemic, and there is no simple fix. No one knowingly invited this outcome but everyone is going to need to pay… dearly.

Generational Welfare, broken policies, selfish corporate leaders, and politicians – destroyed – and left crippled – generations of black* families.

*American Families of African descent from slavery.



These policies, [the powers that were] provided welfare to generation after generation – in the same cities, to the same families, to the same groups of peoples – for generations to the 4th and 5th generation.

Further, Government Welfare, its rules and regulations interweaved intricate policies that rewarded financially – a broken family structure that perpetuated from itself – also – generations of heartache and suffering. What happened is beyond the imagination of human machinations.

I do not think it is, or was, malicious; it was not some plot with intent beyond petty greed and human ignorance; it was sinful though – especially not to have the courage to fix it generation after generation. Countless families, countless men, women, and children – over too many years – were decimated!

I heard a sentence above all the din during the George Floyd memorials:

We [of African American Decent] Survived Slavery but, but never reconciled it!

How true that rang in my heart. Survived – but never recovered, never healed, never reconciled – not in a way that gave true hope of a future, as families, and as a People; NOT EVEN AS US CITIZENS because they remained an entity to themselves as we decimated the(ir) nuclear families [all nuclear families].

I’m Just Sayin’… .                                                                  End Part I

Reproductive Rights – are NOT!

The term Reproductive Rights – are NOT! These words really mean Abortion (and Killing babies). These words, these notions, are a trick of language.

Abortions are considered forms of ‘birth control’ to too many people [reproductive rights means killing unborn children by abortion!].   Don’t be tricked.

Shame on those who favor, and advocate for it.

I, myself, was tricked by language and faulty logic in my college years. The language? “Woman’s Right To Choose” (what happens in her body).

It made logical sense to me in the vacuum of my youthful ignorance … of course any man or women has the right to choose what happens to them; I believed. However, that was only half the equation…and I regret forever that not until later when my heart had me I consider the LIFE of the baby – did I understand the truth.

The notion of free choice for a woman was, and is, a bold lie – a half truth that hides the other side of the equation [the life of the child] by the powers that be – who were, and are, driving the narrative!

It was a trick! A lie… .

Children are ALIVE in the womb of a woman! Alive. They feel, dream, move … .

Abortion is sinful. For my part, early choices: I was ignorant. I couldn’t ‘see’ the truths [as is the case, I believe, for so many men and women today]. I am sorry for my part.

I have no living children today. I do not know, one way or the other, if God allows these unborn children a second chance to experience the blessings of this mortal life … or if the short lives of all those children remains an ugly, permanent, result of our own mortal choices.

I know God is kind, loving, good, and full of grace. Some suggest that children who die young didn’t need the painful lessons of this mortal life … others suggest these souls were or are fortunate to return to God sooner than others; and that one day they will be blessed to have perfected bodies, and immortal lives – even in the Celestial Kingdom.

I pray there is truth in those beliefs; I pray too for  forgiveness, and I pray for the best of all possible outcomes – for all those souls.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

(So,) You Want To Change The World?

(So,) You Want To Change The World?

I think, on some level, many of us wish we could change the world; further, I am happy to report that many of us can … and, do!

First, What do I work to help to achieve?

I have often, reluctantly, admitted to a life-long, strongly held hope, wish, and desire of my own – a deep seated need –                ……        ……   I want to change the world; it’s in my DNA.

I admit it; I want to change The World.

I used to quickly add, with a sort of ‘shucks’ and looking at the floor …

‘Yes, I know how arrogant it is to hope to change the world!’.

I am not The Savior and even with the greatest desire … I cannot change the world!

Or, can I?   /\   Can you?

Well, I thought, ‘The Savior will come’ – and ‘He will change The World’ [again].

And, so, until then – for me – the question for me becomes

What Can I do To Help?

One of the Gifts given me by God is a heightened ability to recognize in honest and loving ways -‘truths’; and then to reflect them back in a loving and good light in attempts to support a persons’ progression [toward becoming a fully functioning person] (an old professor, non-religious, used to use the term … ‘Fully Actualized’).

For me, today, it is more of a growing in The Gospel [Progression] – a lifelong process of moving closer to [and understanding] God [and adjusting ones’ life accordingly].

I use my sensitivities, my abilities to connect with people, my gift to see truths in both people and matters …. – always I use – to help, to heal, … to bring people together in efforts to unite positive energies for good and right purposes [Gospel Principles and Purposes].

In short – I Work To Help People Grow.

This Blog is a growing, changing, tool to do just that – to help you [and me] to recognize truths, think about them, reflect upon how they impact our lives, and ultimately to use it all to help us all Progress.


You CAN Change The World! [and so can I]


I’m Just Sayin’ … .


The Earth is Burdened by The Wicked Living on a Planet that was made for the Righteous

An Enigma

I came across a most beautiful sentence – one that seems (so far) to ‘ring true’ – from a man who is full of hate. It stopped the entire flow of my thoughts and work this morning.

I am puzzled

I am surprised

I am thoughtful

I am reflective

I am confused (momentarily)

I have no idea, no clue, if it is an original thought or statement of the person it is attributed to [in what I read] … and it is, indeed, intriguing upon the back drop of all I have shared already.

Here is the sentence:

“The Earth is Burdened by The Wicked Living on a Planet that was made for the Righteous”

Wow, does that sentence – that notion – ring true for me!

Why was is so surprising?

The quote is attributed to Louis Farrakhan.

I am not a ‘fan’ or supporter or reader of this man; I came upon the quote as I worked to understand a headline about a NFL player posting some old World War Propaganda.

Even Satan quotes scripture. This is not ‘scripture’ per se …but it sure is to me – a truthful statement.

I’m Just Sayin’ .

Today We Need Run Toward Our Churches … Not Away From Them

Today, We Need Run Toward Our Churches … Not Away From Them

Especially in this age of extremism, in both headlines and actions [by people, localities, groups, governments …], I wish to offer a thought about the need for Religion. The need today for Churches, Mosques, Temples – genuine neighborhood religious congregations – across America; and, the need for them to grow.

My notion is far from ‘an original’ thought and I will offer a link at the close of my comments to a short video from a man who says it very eloquently and drives my point home decisively.

Like many of you, I read a lot of headlines each day – and even understanding the editors are vying for attention with hyperbole angry overtones – once in awhile I have to ‘bite’ and investigate further – asking: Can it be true? And, if so – why, oh why, on earth … can it be true?

In this case, what sparked my attention was the ‘headline’:

Maine single mother facing eviction offered tent and camping gear by city”. Link if you desire


Yes, there is more to the story – so I included a link – you can decide if the option was viable in this case – but, please, I’d like to address a larger point.

There are reasons, in today’s society, for these things to be happening with alarming increase [which too many are overlooking]; and, sadly too, we have come to an age where even many religious leaders have succumbed to the onslaught of what so many insist is today’s “status quo”.

Separately, it is NOT the status quo, and that is an important point to teach to others in our circles – however, that is a topic of another composition referenced below as that is the ‘tail wagging the dog’.

I regret to report by personal experience that leaders of great Churches across the country are afraid to say: Church is important [to the point of suggesting that to invite others to join (any religion) is offensive]. I say ‘nonsense’.

Too many will not declare today the simple fact that religion – even Christianity – is central to the foundations of this great country.

Pastors, Priests, Imams, Ministers, Reverends, Rabbi’s are in fear to stand up and declare it is [more than] a little important to find a religion – become a part of a congregation – join a Church that serves God, humanity, and ideals that help people make their lives better.

Forgive a short digression as I ‘say aloud’ that Biblical religions – of every type – today – even fear to say that the notion of a Traditional Family is The Best foundation for this society.

Quickly, [lest I be wrongly labeled a hater] I declare my love for all kinds of families – but the best outcome grows from when we embrace the model where there is a mother, a father, and stable home. Homes in which mothers have time to mother, and fathers have both opportunity to provide financially – AND have time to share with, and grow with, love his family.

Our neighborhoods, cities, and states – the people of our very Country – genuinely need to reconnect with the Values we learn in those Churches. Churches teach values, and promote Faith … in God …and, they work to strengthen that faith – strengthen the people – all of them!

People, in their religious faith, grow; and they love and help each other. Maybe the Government needs to get out of the welfare business and allow … even encourage – religions to do their Work.

Churches i.e. Religious Congregations – be they Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist – are an essential part of America! And not just as memorials or aging and empty ‘monuments’ on our street corners! What we learn in those great houses of God is fundamental to the nature of being human on earth.

And for the naysayers … I don’t know a religion where God is not synonymous with Love – my notions are inclusive – not one national religion, nor is it some path to exclude those with no religion.

I am simply asking we understand better the importance of a religion  … join a Mosque, Temple, Church … and openly invite God back into our Country, and our lives. If some choose not to accept God – that’s fine – but stand clear of those who do. [See my composition about ‘the tail wagging the dog’ in this country]. Send me a note – I’ll happily send a copy.

In closing, this is a Judeo-Christian Country – America. Its Values’ are built on a Judeo Christian, Biblical, foundation – like it or not; and, I am saying for sure – this country needs its Churches [speaking of ALL churches, temples, mosques … combined-plural]  – every one of them – because without themour society fails!

Please take a minute to listen, and watch, a short clip of Clay Christensen from Harvard on this very important topic:


When They Broke The Family-They Broke The World

In the year 2020 it can be a real stretch for some to try and understand how the strength of the world, the strength of humanity, the strength of the individual – lies in The Family [and, its natural structure].

A family, separate from artificially imposed limits and rules, is the fundamental unit of a society – any society is the family; and good families always look back to their beginnings – their forefathers –  even our Heavenly Father.

Even if one looks back to the very early beginnings of the world as we know it -we all come from a Family [Adam and Eve] … Israel itself – was, is, a Family.

In times gone by – good families grew to be the size of villages, and small cities [by today’s measure] – but they were families none the less.

Imagine if you will, a family in the country – taking up life on a small farm. Two people – and then three, four … and so it goes and grows… for generations.

This is the natural habitat of a family.

I invite you to stretch your thinking a bit … imagine the farm becomes – A world unto itself! Such a family endeavor, such an undertaking truly becomes likened to an entire world – the proverbial microcosm.

Everyone has a part, a purpose – everyone shares the work and the reward; now really fire up your imagination and recognize that in these worlds, in these families – God is at the center.

All are taught a genuine understanding of our nature, God’s nature is the fabric of these worlds … all are taught their direct lines – spiritual and temporal – back to God.

 These families flourish(ed); they grow, they ‘bud’ off … and each thrives with God at its center. So did this Country of America grow – with God at its center.

And, I repeat – when God is at the center of a family – indeed, He is at the center of a World; and, any world that has God at its center – any family that has God at its center … is blessed, remains healthy and strong.

When business, finance, economics, politics – [of cities – of evil men] forced a change in this pattern.

Capitalists, greed, short sighted politicians paired with evil men and their agendas came in huge waves. People [over time] lost their good, right, and natural worlds; they lost their way – they lost their family – and in that, too – they lost sight of God.

Sadly, fiercely, the dynamics of ‘family’ – the love and respect for God, The Commandments – the very nature that held us together and brought us health … all were torn asunder – the family structure at its core was undermined and systematically destroyed.

 Cities grew, ‘The Country Farm(s)’ turned into suburbs, and into malls, small towns and villages vanished – families changed – lives … changed; …

Today, brainwashed and overwhelmed are so many!w e all had to make and want and have … ‘stuff’ … It happened oh so slowly as we drove our fancy cars and watched our color tv’s.

And, in a few generations, with a wink and a nod – we got our shiny stuff as we mindlessly worked to build the infrastructure that brings us –  to today – and the persecution of anything remotely connected to God … – but that is another story. [Stop by again soon]

Men and women were never meant to live in these monsters we call cities!

When they broke the family … they broke the World.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

The imperative nature of this 2020 Election

The imperative nature of this 2020 Election

John Roberts shatters Supreme Court expectations

This image, and the link is from CNN – the link goes to one of their stories about the legal battle over abortion.

Me? My personal opinion?


God help so many of us, I pray … and, I pray too for the so many lost lives – because, yes, abortion is the taking of human life. Some people know it – and that’s murder – I believe, they will answer to God; some do not know – and I pray they wake up.

I’m Just Sayin’ …

Man sues police for excessive force in a case of mistaken identity

Perfect example of why we must have a different kind of policing…..

This is unconscionable – and, no money will make what they did to him …’right’.

We have a personality type that is drawn to Policing type careers … and, our society has encouraged this culture … of ‘control’, arrest – with prejudice … and ask questions later…. Lock down any block, any neighborhood, any city … at the drop of a hat and have an ARMY move in – on a moments notice.

It’s too much.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .

Check out this video on Uticaod:

This simple standard puts Justice back in the courts, and, ultimately back into the hands of the People

Crime and Punishment in 2020 & Beyond

Clearly we have a wide range and depth of issues in our cities, and with people living in the impoverished areas within them – which our larger society – with the individual neighborhoods and communities together – must address. I invite you to seek out my coming composition Survived but Never Reconciled.

I have no need to ‘guess’ why Rayshard Brooks fought so hard that fateful night – because I know; and so, I have an insight to offer, and perhaps a partial solution to add to this imperative discussion.

It’s not THE solution but if we begin to shift our point of view – just a little – maybe we can take a fair swing at real change for many people.

[I suggest]We need to clearly establish the varying degrees when it comes to legal, illegal, and criminal; and, adjust how we enforce and respond to violations. I suggest, we need to better establish as a larger society – which events that should immediately take away a man’s’ or women’s liberty … and those which ought not.

Further, how we enforce a law matters. Do we enforce with lethality a violation which had no violent component – do we take a person’s liberty – on the spot – for a non violent violation? And, if he objects – do we shoot him?

Even further, allow me to digress and say clearly that towns, villages, small cities across America Do Not Need to be able to deploy SWAT teams to anywhere in the town or county – at the drop of a hat!

These municipalities do NOT need to be able to cordon off blocks, neighborhoods – with the forces and actions, which are so common in America today.

This man, Rayshard Brooks, and so many others like him, fought [and fight] simply because he wanted to go HOME that fateful night.  He did nothing that should have led to the loss of his life – to be candid – he did nothing that made it imperative to take his freedom on the spot.

This was (could have been handled as a mostly CIVIL matter) [if law and enforcement had a different mindset]  – but the mindset of the day is CONTROL, ARREST.

Immediately take away the most precious thing a man or woman has … their Liberty.

The kind of violation has become irrelevant … this guy wasn’t violent – he just wanted to go home

The Police, on the spot, were going to take his liberty because he fell asleep waiting in line. I get it – shame on him – and, he was surely driving and drinking. Impound the car – give him a ticket – and send him home. It gets handled civilly … by courts and communities; not the police.

Some of this is really that simple; and that complex. If we had some National Standard where … IF a subject of police contact has not committed violence in any way – that person can expect to go home that day [after processing and arraignment].

And, that is just one point of departure for a new and needed discussion. I pray our President has the courage to get into all this – we need someone to [please read the coming composition Survived but Never Reconciled.].

Mr. Brooks would be alive if that was the law of the land. It matters not if he had drugs in his pocket, unpaid parking tickets, was intoxicated, had no drivers’ license, or just smelled bad and had a lousy attitude.

The Subject Goes Home That Day; [unless violence is a part of the reason for arrest].

This simple standard puts Justice back in the courts, and, ultimately back into the hands of the People; and takes a great deal of stress off ‘routine’ police interactions and encounters.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .


Crime and Punishment in 2020

Crime and Punishment in 2020 & Beyond

Clearly we have a wide range and depth of issues in our cities, and with people living in the impoverished areas within them – which our larger society with the individual neighborhoods and communities together – must address.

I have no need to ‘guess’ why Rayshard Brooks fought so hard that fateful night – because I know; and so, I have an insight and offer a partial solution to add to the discussion.

It’s not THE solution but if we begin to shift our point of view – just a little – maybe we can take a fair swing at real change for many people.

This man, and so many others, fought [and fight] because he wanted to go HOME that fateful night.

It’s that simple; and that complex. If we had some National Standard where … IF a subject of police contact has not committed violence in any way – that person can expect to go home that day [after processing and arraignment].

That man would be alive if that was the law of the land. It matters not if he had drugs in his pocket, unpaid parking tickets, was intoxicated, has no drivers’ license, or just smelled bad and had a lousy attitude.

The Subject Goes Home That Day; [unless violence is a part of the reason for arrest].

This simple standard puts Justice back in the courts, and, ultimately back into the hands of the People and takes a great deal of stress of ‘routine’ police interactions and encounters.

I’m Just Sayin’ … .